Sam Worked at McDonald’s

By | September 1, 2024

[September 1, 2024] Seventeen-year-old Sam worked at McDonald’s during the late 70s and appreciated that he got the opportunity.  I knew him through his dad, who, at the time, was a senior NCO in my unit and a good man.  That mattered because it showed he was willing to work and be responsible.

At 19, Sam moved from McDonald’s to “the trades,” where he did some landscaping work, where the entrepreneurial spirit bit him.  Sam attended a local community college a few years later to get an AA degree in practical business.  With his outgoing personality, he was able to make great contacts at school that would later come in handy.

I last saw Sam six years later at my in-coming battalion change of command ceremony.  His dad was there too.  We were loyal to each other, that was the way of the Army and we believed in it deeply.  Sam also believed in those intangible parts of human relationships: loyalty, integrity, and being upfront with folks.  And he had a witty sense of humor.

By then, Sam was in the legal process of purchasing two McDonald’s restaurants.  Yes, two were in addition to the one he already owned.

I liked Sam because he was a hands-on guy.  He seemed to have his hands in everything.  One day, he came by my office and showed me a 1965 Ford Mustang he had restored with his hands.  He knew I was fond of Mustangs.  Sam could be found in his restaurants “doing fries,” flipping burgers, or sweeping the floors on any given day.  No task was too small.

And there he was, one sunny day, as he told me his purpose was to dole out opportunities to young men and women.  I wondered how this young man could do so well in America while others whine and complain despite the opportunities staring them in the face.  I was also honored to be invited to his wedding.

I don’t eat in fast food restaurants anymore.  But that has never stopped me from supporting those willing to do the work to run such a place.  Yes, I’m proud of Sam and proud of his dad for raising a good young man.  That’s my way of saying thanks to him.

And it all started at McDonalds.  Of course, Sam did work at McDonald’s, unlike others who make the claim to make it seem like they’re ordinary folks.  Don’t miss the article “Hold the Fries” by John Hinderaker.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

14 thoughts on “Sam Worked at McDonald’s

  1. Ron C.

    Today is Canada’s Labour Day and I suppose we should honour those who work at McDonalds Restaurant or any other place of work. That is what makes the West powerful; WORK! Those countries that have a inactive population and gives handouts will never be able to achieve what we have achieved through hard work. But I see America and Canada slipping backwards and turning their backs on work. Too bad.

    1. Paulette Johnson

      Well said, Ron C. Thanks for the insight. I’ve noticed this too for many years.

  2. corralesdon

    “The entrepreneurial spirit ” — that can definitely work out well, if you are willing to put in the work. 👷

  3. DaveV

    A nice hometown story. Thank you, Gen. Satterfield for getting this article out on a Sunday morning. ✔✔

  4. Lou Schmerconish

    I thought this article was about Sam, who was the son of an NCO that Gen. Satterfield knew. But from reading the comments, that is devolved into a slam on kamala harris (small letters for obvious reasons). True enough, I think IMHO that Gen. Satterfield was giving her a slight of hand by writing about a real McDonald’s worker and not part of his fictional background.

    1. KRause

      Lou, right about that. Sometimes it is good just to read about a story that we all can relate to. Work hard = get ahead in life.

      1. Bryan Z. Lee

        The corollary is “Be lazy and have sex with powerful politicians, then expect things to be given to you. – Kamala Harris

        1. Frank Graham

          Eek !!! 👀 Tell us you think KH is an 304 and braindead. 👎 Gotta know that she is easily manipulated if by the “right:” people (meaning left leaning) like Obama and his ilk that help push America downward. 🤷‍♂️ Thanks Lou.

  5. Under the Bridge

    “Of course, Sam did work at McDonald’s, unlike others who make the claim to make it seem like they’re ordinary folks. ” Who are others? How about VP Kamala Harris. Looks like the place she chose to say she worked at burnt down a number of years ago. Well, how is that hopey, changey thing working out for all us neo-Marxists? Just ask Kamala. Just one question, Where is she on the border today? She seems to change her position on every important topic each week, so it is hard for me to keep up.

  6. Liz at Home

    Well Well Well …. Sam did work at McDonald’s Restaurant. Unlike Kamala Harris who is a liar. Is she Indian or Black or White today? The answer depends on the direction of the wind.

    1. Bernie

      …. and if it’s not windy, then she is confused. Ah, but that is all the time now. 😁

      1. Melissa Jackson

        Stop being racists and sexists! You should all know by now that the color of your skin or you sex is what makes you superior to others and therefore should get the job, be promoted, married to, or loved. /sarc
        Although discrimination is not covered in Gen. Satterfield’s book “55 Rules for A Good Life” , I still recommend it.


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