[December 15, 2022] If you are being required to do things that make you weak and ashamed … then stop, don’t do them. One of the critical messages from Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn and Victor E. Frankl was that things could go terribly out of control when people don’t stop them when they’re mildly out of control. Many of us would say, “I’ll just keep my head down and shut up.” The problem with this attitude is that you are selling your soul and not solving the problem.
Much is going on in any organization or culture, much of it foolish, harmful, and tyrannical. Recent examples include Google, Twitter, and YouTube censoring their content for political motives (although it is denied). These multiply because reasonable people say nothing when they should say something. What is so strange about that is that there are more sensible people than people who aren’t sensible.
You should look to see, in your life, those things that disturb you, especially if they are disturbing to your soul. An early step in overcoming these problems means acknowledging your weaknesses, such as your deceitfulness, laziness, and hostility. Talk to some people about it, like your coworkers, friends, or spouse – those you can trust.
Is it you that is deceitful, lazy, and hateful, or is it something or someone else in your culture? If you can eliminate you as a cause of the foolishness, harmfulness, and tyranny, then maybe the problem is elsewhere. Something else is wrong. You should then say something about it before it’s too late. This can happen in our culture, community, or even in our family and can happen a lot faster than we think it can.
Say something but be properly, carefully, and be prepared for it. Now that will be a real adventure because you do not know what will happen when you say something about the pathologies. If you get your words right and have planned what you have to say, you will find that many others will agree with you, and maybe you’ve caught onto something important.
Ask yourself, is this making me stronger or weaker? If it’s making you weaker, you have to ask yourself, “Do you want to be weaker?” The weaker you are, the more tyrannized you will be and the more bitter, resentful, and nasty you will be. To be tyrannized is no joke; it must be addressed quickly and takes courage.
You have an ethical responsibility as a citizen to forthrightly confront creeping tyranny no matter where it occurs. Aim at the good. If you do, you will be a lot stronger than you think. Remember that speaking up and saying what you must say is not futile. Pick your poison. Say what you have to say! That is your real adventure.
Please read my books:
Say what you have to say. Be cautious what you have to say. But say it anyway and let the chips fall as they may. That is one way to learn and improve yourself.
Genesis 1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Nailed it on the quote Fred. 👍
Say what you must say.
Say what you have to say, and let the world say what they will. Now, that is an adventure.
— a true adventure because you stand tall and can see what is coming with strength and honor and courage.
This is why freedom of speech is so important but not well explained to young folks. Read this website and you will understand what freedom really means. And that freedom is not about doing what you want all the time but a disciplined, courageous journey in life.
Say what you want but be ready to say what is meaningful, useful, and proper. Do so with forethought and deliberation. Otherwise, you will be the fool. And being a fool is not a great way to endear yourself to others.
Hi Wendy, got that right. Oh, don’t forget to read today’s article (December 16th) because looks like Gen. Satterfield is having a book signing. Looks like a great day for him.
Wishing him the best of luck.
Spot on General, spot on.
We need to spread the word about the General’s books!
Another valuable article. Made me think! 😎
Exactly why I’m a fan of this website.
When a problem raises its ugly head, do something about it right then and there. Don’t wait. Don’t let it fester. Don’t let others make excuses for not addressing the problem. That is why great leaders are action oriented. They fix things that need fixing.
You are what you should focus on getting better. Think what others need and how you can meet that need. Then make yourself better …..
TRUST is why makes humans who they are. And it takes courage to trust.
Start by Rebuilding Trust
Gen. Satterfield said once that “A fundamental attribute of any leader is the ability to build trust in the people who work for us, supervisors, peers and associates, and clients. Building and managing that trust ranks as one of the top factors to achieve and sustain high levels of organizational strength. It is also a measure of a leader’s successful performance.”
My thinking – as an assumption of Gen. S’s writing today – is that you must pay attention and know what you’re talking about and be prepared to tell it in a story form. If you don’t, folks will most likely not listen to you or care much of what you have to say. Just saying something loudly doesn’t mean sane folks will believe it. That is why Marxism is so hated throughout most of the world. Where it happens, freedom is crushed and most of the pansy airhead leftist (political neo-Marxists) and few are willing to stand up and say NO.
Great blog post. Thank you, Gen. S. I love this website …. but your know that already!!
Right Janna. And I for one learn a great deal from these short articles. And from some of the guest writers. ✔
“You have an ethical responsibility as a citizen to forthrightly confront creeping tyranny no matter where it occurs. Aim at the good. If you do, you will be a lot stronger than you think. Remember that speaking up and saying what you must say is not futile. Pick your poison. Say what you have to say! That is your real adventure.” ….. General Satterfield
“Have your say”…. yep, but beware that just because you can talk doesn’t mean you should.
Good advice and advice that most of our young people either have never heard, or more likely, just ignore. They believe that since they are “morally superior” to the “deplorables” in the world, that whatever they say must be morally good. No matter what that comment or action may be, including murder (if done for the good of the group), burning buildings, stealing jewelry (or high-priced running shoes), etc. This is why we no longer have standards because standards are RACCCIIISST !!!!!
Ha Ha, nailed it Pen Q, best comment of the day.
Fun reading some of the comments today.
This is why men should be men and willing to say “No, that’s a stupid idea (or thing to do).”
Hey watch this! Darwinian comment.
Hey General Satterfield, great to have you writing an important article today and one that I’ll be spreading among my friends.
Oh, I just got your older book in the mail yesterday (I am slow) and began reading it. For those new to this leadership forum, get his books.
“Our Longest Year in Iraq” is a great read. Get your copy now. Link above.
Say what you have to say but be ready and do your homework first. Don’t just talk to say something. You may embarrass yourself by saying stupid stuff.
This is why you hear so many college snowflakes yakking up whatever comes into their pea brains. This is why gender affirmation “health care” given to confused people turns into surgery and hormone treatment that destroys them physically. And all this is done in the name of “compassion.” In this case, compassion kills.
Sad, isn’t it that we have gone this far. People are afraid to correct other people’s stupid ideas.
Snowflakes may be great in number but their brainpower is small.