Fear, Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Islamophobia

By | August 31, 2023

[August 31, 2023]  When I began this leadership blog almost ten years ago, I had a few friends write an occasional column.  Sadako Red, a pen name, became more popular because of his wit and penchant for getting into sticky situations and his nimble ability to extract himself from the most uncomfortable and dangerous situations.  And no one… Read More »

We Outsource our Sanity

By | August 15, 2023

[August 15, 2023] Dr.Jordan Peterson tells us that we are mentally sane as independent beings because others will correct us whenever we do something stupid.  People are giving corrections to us all the time, non-stop, and we are broadcasting sanity signals back and forth.  We smile at people if they behave properly and act like we would like… Read More »

An American Tragedy: Part 2

By | August 9, 2023

[August 9, 2023]  The practice of infanticide reared its ugly head in my hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the cradle of Liberty where the Declaration of Independence was signed and declared, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are… Read More »

14,543 Days in the Army

By | July 28, 2023

[July 28, 2023]  As a young man, I had no plans to join the Army.  Oh, there were plenty of opportunities to join up.  Folks in my family circle encouraged me to join.  Enticements to join also came from my teachers, coaches, storeowners in my town, and my friends’ parents; this was common.  Despite no plans, I did… Read More »

Talking About Free Speech

[July 6, 2023]  It is not surprising to those paying attention that the U.S. Government has been using social media platforms to suppress free speech.  They have encouraged media giants to remove what they see as “misinformation.”  Gee, what could go wrong with the government telling us what is misinformation?  Plenty. On July 4th – our Independence Day… Read More »