Israel Rescues Four Hostages: the Response

By | June 10, 2024

[June 10, 2024]  This past Saturday, Israeli forces freed four hostages held by Hamas during a raid into a central Gazan “refugee camp.”  A New York Post story details much of the operation and its audaciousness and brilliance.   Any average person would consider this rescue fantastic news and an excellent example of good overcoming evil. But that was… Read More »

America’s History of Abandoning Allies

[May 7, 2024]  The recent announcement from America’s White House that the United States will oppose Israel’s move to destroy its enemy, Hamas, is part of a long history of America’s history of abandoning its allies.  Of course, the impact of this foreign strategy has largely destroyed America’s reputation and emboldened enemies of America to attack soft targets… Read More »

Nazi Kill-the-Jews Protests on Campus

[May 2, 2024] Scandals come and go, history gets ignored, but the Nazi Kill-the-Jews protests across the world and on American college campuses will continue to be energetic, inflammatory, violent, foreign and domestically-funded, and fully supported by radical leftists in the U.S. government, the Woke social media and many American institutions.  Those in the American government who have… Read More »