College is Worse than Useless, it’s Dangerous

By | April 24, 2024

[April 24, 2024]  The idea that college today in America is worse than useless is not new.  But since the Hamas terror attack on Israel, there has been an explosion of violent anti-Semitism on many college campuses, fueled by the pandering of college presidents to “protestors.”  Extremists are now running these Woke asylums, and that is downright dangerous.… Read More »

The Ukraine (another War Update)

By | April 9, 2024

[April 9, 2024]  Ten years ago, I wrote about the failure of the Obama Administration to protect the fledgling democratic movement in Ukraine from being destroyed by the Russian war machine.  I wrote, “Since the U.S. had no strategy, policy, or leadership on the Ukraine War, that … we are accepting [read violent] behavior” by Russia (see link).… Read More »

Did CNN Hire Baghdad Bob?

By | April 6, 2024

[April 6, 2024]  Yesterday, I was at a local car dealership getting repairs completed on my car and sat in the waiting room where the television was on the CNN channel.  Jake Tapper interviewed ex-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and socialist Bernie Sanders.  Tapper was questioning both, Bernie followed Leon, about President Biden’s turnaround, no longer supporting Israel… Read More »

Military Disarmament is a “Moral Obligation”

By | March 6, 2024

[March 6, 2024]  Word from Roman Catholic Pope Francis this past Sunday that military disarmament is not optional but a “moral obligation” for all countries.  Earlier, the Pope suggested that if we are serious about world peace, the solution is to “ban all weapons.” “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor… Read More »

Will America’s Appeasement of Iran Spark War?

By | February 3, 2024

[February 3, 2024]  Headlines read, “America and Iran step closure to the brink of war.”  The question that’s answer puzzles senior military and political leaders today in America is whether our appeasement of Iran will lead to a war with Iran.  The answer is yes.  Political appeasement is dangerous, and history tells us that it often does not… Read More »