Silence of the Jews

By | January 18, 2024

[January 18, 2024]  This is a difficult article to write.  Why?  Well-known Jews in America – some that I know personally – have failed to comment on Hamas’s October 7th massacre of innocent Jews.  These are smart, honorable, outspoken Jews who have never held their tongue on controversial social issues.  But now, the silence of these Jews is… Read More »

U.N. Officials Use Discredited Dresden Defense

By | January 4, 2024

[January 4, 2024]  In early December last year, Hillel Neuer gave testimony before the U.S. Congress.  He strongly condemned what he called the Dresden Defense by U.N. officials regarding the Israeli war against Hamas.  His words are powerful and convincing. Hillel Neuer is a Canadian-born international lawyer, writer, and the Executive Director of U.N. Watch based out of… Read More »

A Slow-Motion Kristallnacht

By | December 13, 2023

[December 13, 2023]  With American colleges embroiled in anti-Semitic activities, supported and encouraged by professors, administrators, and education leaders, are we seeing a slow-motion Kristallnacht?  John Hinderaker of PowerLineBlog and others are asking this legitimate question. “L.A. – as Jews were lighting candles last night for Shabbat and the second night of Hanukkah, mobs of antisemites took to… Read More »

What’s Happening in North Korea?

By | November 13, 2023

[November 13, 2023] While the World’s attention is focused on Israel and its war with Hamas and, to a lesser extent, on the Russia-Ukraine War, something is happening in North Korea.  The Hermit Kingdom is known for odd diplomatic overtures.  Lately, however, they have begun shutting down their embassies worldwide.  Suspicions are mounting that North Korea is facing… Read More »

Veterans Day 2023:  Joe Griffies

By | November 11, 2023

[November 11, 2023] I grew up in the city of Philadelphia. We lived on a long narrow street lined with small row homes attached by a party wall. There were 23 homes on each side of the street. We knew everyone on our block and all the surrounding homes on the streets that made up our neighborhood. Our… Read More »

The Common Sense of Ammo Grrrll

By | November 9, 2023

[November 9, 2023] Susan Vass, better known as Ammo Grrrll from her writings on PowerLineBlog serves us a dose of common sense today, the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht (the Night of Broken Glass).  Her topic?  It is about being scammed, knowing you are being scammed, and telling people you love being scammed.  This is how she begins: “…think… Read More »

Exposing the Faces of Antisemites

By | November 5, 2023

[November 5, 2023] “Not a Shred of Decency” blares the headlines from the New York Post on their front page.  The paper’s article calls these people “anti-Israel activists,” “Israel haters,” and “loathsome anti-Israeli vandals.”  Of course, the paper is going easy on them with words, but it was the publication of their faces while removing or defacing Israeli… Read More »