Hitler Leads in Poll: NY Times

By | November 3, 2023

[November 3, 2023] This article may surprise most of you but not those who closely study young people.  I was surprised, too.  The New York Times reported the results of a poll conducted with students of the College of Arts and Sciences at Georgetown University.  They asked who is “the most outstanding personality in the world today?”  Hitler… Read More »

Megyn Kelly Spotlights Hatred of Jews

By | October 23, 2023

[October 23, 2023]  A few days ago, media personality Megyn Kelly interviewed Dave Marcus and Noah Pollak, journalists and political commentators, to discuss the hatred of Jews on American college campuses.  I like the interview for several reasons that will become more apparent below.  I recommend listening to this and other interviews on the moral stance of America. … Read More »

The Information War

By | October 18, 2023

[October 16, 2023]  In any war, there is always a parallel information war.  This has been true since the beginning of time.  Given our reliance on advanced technology, we can get information quickly.  The question is how accurate is that information.  In Israel’s war with Hamas, it is overwhelmingly clear that what we see coming from Hamas is… Read More »

It’s Time to Destroy the Palestinian Culture of Terrorism

By | October 17, 2023

[October 17, 2023]  When faced with an invader that propagates the atrocities we have seen in the recent Hamas incursion into Israel, the only solution is to utterly destroy their culture.  That means a massive and overwhelming force that exacts a brutal retribution upon them until they surrender unconditionally.  Ultimately, that means destroying the Palestinian culture of terrorism.… Read More »

NYC Mayor Adams’s “We Are Not All Right” Rally

By | October 14, 2023

[October 14, 2023]  I’ve had doubts about NYC Mayor Eric Adams, particularly his pandering to special interest groups and missed opportunities.  But, I missed his Sunday, October 10th rally, where he made it clear that New York stands with Israel.  His remarks were made the day after the Hamas terror attacks on Israel.  He says that he not… Read More »

Israel’s Pearl Harbor

By | October 8, 2023

[October 8, 2023]  John Hinderaker from PowerLineBlog makes an excellent point: this is not Israel’s 9/11 but their Pearl Harbor.  The distinction is well-argued and vital.  Getting the analogy right early in this war helps us set our perspective properly.  This attack is no mere act of Hamas terrorism but is an act of war carried out by… Read More »

Breaking: Israel Under Attack

By | October 7, 2023

[October 7, 2023]  Americans were waking up this morning to the news that Hamas has launched attacks inside Israel from the Gaza Strip.  From all indications, this is a significant effort by Hamas to inflict maximum casualties on Israel.  Some are comparing this to America’s 9/11.  Typically, I do not do early commentary on major developing events, but… Read More »