“See You in Hell” Hassan Nasrallah

By | October 2, 2024

[October 2, 2024]  “See you in Hell.”  That was the message from most Middle Eastern countries, emphatic and joyful at the news that the Lebanese group Hezbollah leader was killed last Friday in an Israeli air strike.  These are my sentiments exactly.  Some people need killing, and Hassan Nasrallah was one of them.

Let’s be blunt.  Nasrallah was an evil man who spread terror across the globe at the behest of the mullahs of Iran.  But this sentiment is not shared universally, as it should be.

Here are some of the reactions to his assassination:

Hezbollah: Pledged “to the highest, most sacred and most precious martyr in our journey” to “continue its jihad in confronting the enemy, in support of Gaza and Palestine, and in defense of Lebanon and its steadfast and honorable people.”

Hamas:  “In the face of this Zionist crime and massacre, we renew our absolute solidarity and stand united with the brothers in Hezbollah and the Islamic resistance in Lebanon.”

Fatah: The Palestinian Fatah movement offered condolences and emphasized “the historical relationship between the Lebanese people and their resistance and Palestine.”

Iran: The country’s foreign ministry spokesman, Nasser Kanaani, said in a post on X that “the glorious path of the Resistance leader … will continue and his sacred goal of liberating Jerusalem will be achieved.”

Iraq: Iraq’s Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani condemned the attack as “shameful” and “a crime that shows the Zionist entity has crossed all the red lines.”

Turkey: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned Israel’s recent attacks in Lebanon as part of what he called an Israeli policy of “genocide, occupation, and invasion,” urging the UN Security Council and other bodies to stop Israel.

Yemen’s Houthis: “The martyrdom of… Hassan Nasrallah will increase the flame of sacrifice, the heat of enthusiasm, the strength of resolve,” the rebels’ leadership council said in a statement, pledging to achieve “victory and the demise of the Israeli enemy.”

United Nations: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Saturday he was “gravely concerned” by the “dramatic escalation” seen in Lebanon in the past day as Israel targets Hezbollah in the capital Beirut, a UN spokesperson said.

Russia: Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released a statement where it strongly condemns Israel’s killing of Nasrallah and calls on Israel to stop hostilities in Lebanon.  “This forceful action is fraught with even greater dramatic consequences for Lebanon and the entire Middle East,” the statement said.

Israel: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel had “settled the score” with Nasrallah’s killing.  “We settled the score with the one responsible for the murder of countless Israelis and many citizens of other countries, including hundreds of Americans and dozens of French,”

United States: The Israeli strike that killed Hezbollah’s Hassan Nasrallah was a “measure of justice” for victims of a four-decade “reign of terror,” President Joe Biden said Saturday: VP Harris, SILENCE.

The world needs to step up and say what is right, and that is that the killing of Hassan Nasrallah was a righteous act and that those like him will meet the same fate.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

17 thoughts on ““See You in Hell” Hassan Nasrallah

  1. Winston

    The lives of these terrorist leaders should be brutal, nasty, and very short. Nothing else will keep them away from the “goodies” of directing other terrorist soldiers to fight and die while they live the good life as multi-millionaires. Kill them all and let God sort them out.

    “Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.” – Winston Churchill

  2. Christine Bisset

    “United Nations: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Saturday he was “gravely concerned” by the “dramatic escalation” seen in Lebanon in the past day as Israel targets Hezbollah in the capital Beirut, a UN spokesperson said.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield quoting the UN Sec. Here’s a suggestion, get rid of the UN. Period. It does nothing valuable except prop up Islamic failing states and dictators. Get rid of them now. The world will be better off. You know that the UN is useless because their biggest challenge is “climate change,” and not to make the world a safer place. The UN is making the world a MORE dangerous place. Get rid of the UN. Read this recent article by Gen. S.
    “The United Nations: Is It Worth the Cost?”
    Several years ago, I wrote that the United Nations was not worth the cost because it has failed to uphold its mission: to prevent war. I wrote my War College thesis with this very headline, and my conclusion then, as it is now, is the same. There is no place for the UN within a civilized world. I continue to stand by my earlier assessments of UN malfeasance.

    1. Jerome Smith

      “Reform or keep the UN? Is it worth the cost? These are questions that senior leaders in America and the West must address publicly. My guess is that under President Biden, nothing will change, and his weak leadership will beckon poorly for us. My recommendation is that the United States immediately shut down the UN in New York City and force them to relocate anywhere else.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield. He nails it.

  3. Tom Bushmaster

    Sir, thank you for telling it like it is. Today we coddle Tyrants and Dictators. We praise their “reforms.” We are happy to host them in our country. We are like “we love you dictator.” Well, NO, that is not the way it is supposed to be. And from this article we can see how much Hassan Nasrallah was loved across the world and yet he was, as Gen. Satterfield made clear, an EVIL man who was directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocents across the planet. His death is a good event to be celebrated. Those who love him need to follow him to HELL. “See you in Hell” Hassan. 😆

  4. Paulette Johnson

    And Joe Biden says there must be an immediate ceasefire. What’s up with that idiot? Why always the knee jerk “immediate ceasefire” demands? I’ll be glad when Joe Biden is not longer president. Well, to tell the truth, he has never been president in reality, he just holds the office. He has dementia so bad, he does not himslef know he is president. His wife DOKTOR JILL is running America. And Kamala Harris is too dumb to even answer a question about what she will do as president.

  5. Rowen Tabernackle

    Well, at least now we can see what the new Axis of Evil looks like. As for as Turkey is concerned, they need to be thrown out of NATO today. They have been and remain a drag on the alliance. Their interests are not the interests of the West. They are not much diffferent than Iran except there existence is dependent upon the West.

    1. Kenya

      — and never ever go there and spend your money. There economy is tanking and they are going bankrupt as a nation. Let’s help them by staying away from Turkey and all these Middle Eastern nations. Islam is a drag on human civilization because it has being used to justify the conscious targeting of civilians around the world. Islam is not a religion of peace any more than a murderer is a good person. Gen. Satterfield is helping expose these horrific cultures. Yes, some cultures are good and some are bad. Many of the bad ones are named in this article.

      1. OJ to Hell

        Got that right, Kenya. As we all know but will be cancelled if we say that nations like Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, North Korean, Russia, Yemen, etc. are all shitholes of countries.

      2. rjsmithers

        Right! And also never buy anything made in any of these countries. Buy American.

        1. Ron C.

          .. or Canadian, or UK, or Australia/NZ, or European. Not these other terrible coutries. Boycott those that support terror and the spread of the evil of Islam.

    1. Xerces II

      … yes GIbbie. And for those new to Gen. Doug Satterfield’s blog, you might want to get a copy of his books that are listed at the end of each article.


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