STOP Whining!

By | April 6, 2023

[April 6, 2023]   The message our society gives us is to develop our self-esteem.  Feel good about yourself.  Be who you are.  I’m okay.  …  I don’t agree!  I believe we could be a hell of a lot better than we are.  There is nothing more complimentary than telling a young person that they could be more than they are.  We could say, grow the hell up, stop whining, there is so much more of you that you could be.

That is no criticism.  It’s a great compliment to know that you could be better than you could be, better than you could ever think you could be.  Look at how much more you could bring out into the world.  Get your aggression under control.  Strengthen yourself.  Take on some responsibility.  Have the courage to tell the truth.  Put your life together.

Young men eat that message up because no one’s ever told them and that is tragic in so many ways.  It is bad for everyone that young men are pulling out of everything.  They’re pulling out of the universities.  They’re pulling out of marriage.  And because of that they are more awkward and unsophisticated than they would ever be and much more prone to make ethical errors.

Warning.  Don’t be like the Lost Boys in Peter Pan.  It is easier to occupy yourself trivially than it is to do something difficult.  Stop whining.  Stop it now.  This is the way to stumble toward being a better, more mature, caring and useful, ethical person.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

23 thoughts on “STOP Whining!

    1. Doug Smith

      Yeah, that’ll make our “soldiers” stop being strong (and stop whining). Just tell inappropriate pronouns at them.

  1. Watson Bell

    Gee, you would think people could get the idea that whining is so infantile. Gee!

  2. Purse

    Every once in a while, Gen. Satterfield gives us a much deserved whack upside the head to reorient us to reality. So …… stop whining.

    1. osmodsann

      … and that is exactly why, well one of the reasons why, I read this blog every day. Now, let’s be clear, we all need someone else to help point out what is the sane route to take as we slowly move thru life. I’m am one that will not ignore others who point out that maybe, just maybe, I’m doing something stupid when I should be doing something smart. We need folks like that in our lives. Cultivate them. Reward them. Keep them happy to be around you for any reason. For they are the ones who will stop you from whining and start moving to a realistic solution.

  3. Colleen Ramirez

    If this were only so. So many folks in my life who whine about reality every day but are unwilling to do anything about it. Somehow they think that a good whine will help. NOPE.

  4. Janna Faulkner

    Young men eat this message up because they are being trashed at every turn by the WOKE ideologues. There is no benefit to trashing any part of society. Remember that young men are the future of any nation, not women.

    1. Under the Bridge

      One day we will look back upon the destruction the woke have wrought upon us and look to see who stood up to the fascist ideologues like being led by Pres Joe Biden and his ilk and I hope we learn important lessons from it.

      1. Pen Q

        Got that right. Fortunately, with modern media, their names will forever be associated with the tyranny they enjoy. And we can look upon them with deserved disdain and they will wear their badge of shame for the rest of their pitiful lives. We will let them walk the streets freely, and let them know that they are walking freely, not because of them, but in spite of them. They are free because others sacrificed for them.

  5. Dead Pool Guy

    Another home run hit by Gen. Satterfield. I just want to add that I’ve been a regular reader of this blog now for a few years and I find it very informative. Keep up these great articles and please, everyone, read the leadership forum here for additional clarity and knowledge. it will do you good.

  6. Emma Archambeau

    If you want to learn, read this blog. If you want to be a part of the weak, then go play video games. Which will it be?

  7. Pooch T.

    “Warning. Don’t be like the Lost Boys in Peter Pan. It is easier to occupy yourself trivially than it is to do something difficult. Stop whining. Stop it now. This is the way to stumble toward being a better, more mature, caring and useful, ethical person.” — Gen. Satterfield. Learn from Gen. S. He tells it like it is.

    1. Willie Strumburger

      Got that right Jerome, and we expect it from him. That is why so many of us are regular readers of his blog and are also writers in this leadership forum. One of the best things you can do to improve the way you think, is to write. And write often. Some of us write nearly every day and for that, we can think better, more clearly.
      Learn to write, read, speak, and be one who lives a good life.

      1. Janice Williamson

        But many, like in the Black community, consider learning to be “white” and therefore unacceptable. THey will pay the price in future generations being unable to climb the social ladder and will blame it on “racism.” Sadly, they are the ones developing and following their own racists ideas that keep them from achieving greater things in their lives.

  8. Lady Hawk

    Too many mentally weak people today. We learn to be weak or strong. Most have chosen to be weak.

  9. Shawn C. Stolarz

    OUCH, let’s just tell it like it is ….. Gen. Satterfield describes the current generation of whiners clearly here. Thank you Gen. Satterfield for your clarity and describing the weakness among our current population.

    1. Liz at Home

      … and that includes both old and young alike, not just the ignorant youth. Older folks too have fear of the government are are toeing the line and are not willing to think for themselves. Yeah! STOP Whining!!!!


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