[March 9, 2025] Another Sunday morning, another set of pictures that I like. Mostly non-political, although difficult to resist. I must admit there are a couple however, for my friends who cannot go without a political slant. Picking these out was easy, I just look for what pleases my taste, that day.
“12 Brutal Life Lessons” from Dr. Jordan Peterson on Reddit. He is a valuable man of our times, yet many are opposed to his message that we should adopt all the responsibilities that we can bear. I know you think the same way.
Gen. Satterfield, just a fast note to say “good morning” and to wish you well. I see some sneaky pictures you’ve placed here. Of course, it’s easy to pick out a few that only those over 50 years of age will get. Actually, more than a few. And I do like the Chrysler pix as your thumbnail selection which is an attention-getter because it resembles a smiling human face. We are drawn to human faces; it’s in our DNA. Please continue your selection of pictures. It makes for an easy Sunday read, kind of like when I was a kid in the 1970s reading my dad’s newspaper on Sunday after church – the colored funny papers only. It always gave me a smile and a tiny bit of motivation to read. I’ve gotten long-winded but I think you can see that I agree with most of the folks here who would like to see more.
Good selection of pictures which makes me smile.
Yes, Don. As you and me know, Gen. S. is discriminating in his selection of the very best.
A great website and I 💗 love these Sunday Morning Pictures that you post every other Sunday. Well done. I did get a good laugh. 😁
Thank you, Easy Rider and welcome aboard.
Never disappoints.