[January 26, 2025] Since President Donald Trump assumed the U.S. presidency nearly a week ago, the world seems to have turned upside down. With that, the memes are coming in strong, often poking fun at Biden himself, but more often, how Leftists are going nuts. And we can always get a good laugh at their self-imposed wacky demeanor. Today’s Sunday morning in pictures are here for your pure entertainment:
Please read my books:
- “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
- “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Gotcha. Thank you, Gen. Satterfield for a touch of humor.
Crude but funny.
Ha Ha, Gen. Satterfield, I do think you are on a rampage. Too bad that those of us in the Leadership Forum cannot place pictures for others to see. The next best thing is to post the URL. So, I’m trying that out.
This one is called American? I’m Murican. Ha Ha. Oh well, I do think everyone here gets the picture (pun intended). Please post pictures if you can and let’s see if Gen. Satterfield can let them go thru. Welcome to those who are new to this website where we discuss serious issues too.
Murican! Love it. ❤
I see today in this leadership forum that there are a number of new people making comments. That is good and welcome. I wish you a good read and that you gain valuable insights into how to live a better life. See the end of his article (above this forum) and you’ll see Gen. Satterfield’s two books. Go to the link which takes you to Amazon where his books are inexpensive. Purchase them now!!
My favorite is “Jill and I voted for you.”
Yep, same here. We are making fun of the Democrats whomare still in the fratricide mode. Let them continue.
Sir, I’m new to your website and impressed. 👍👍👍👍
Each Sunday morning when Gen. Satterfield publishes his pictures, I immediately go here to see them. Why? Because they tell a story. That story gives me an idea of how the brain of an Army General thinks. I know that Gen. S. is an American Patriot. He has told us that and for that alone and his military service, he is a hero to me. BTW, my favorite series is still “Letters to My Granddaughter.” If you really want to know more about Gen. S. growing up in the Deep South, the read these stories.
Gen. Satterfield, your memes/pictures never disappoint.
Yeah Yeah Yeah. 50 pictures on Sunday Morning coming down.
Welcome to Gen. Satterfield’s leadership blog where you can learn more about how to be a better leader bu5 more importantly, a better person. Get Gen. Satterfield’s book “55 Rules for a Good Life,” and you won’t be disappointed.
Welcome. 😀
Thank you all for the welcoming comments. I hope to make a contribution to this forum. Of course I do like humor and today I somehow found and am stuck with these memes.