Testing our Morality: a CEO Murdered

By | December 17, 2024

[December 17, 2024]  The recent cold-blooded murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson is testing our morality. Unfortunately, we Americans have largely failed that test when someone can be murdered and it somehow makes us feel vindicated.

Many in our nation believe they are morally superior to and better at making moral judgments than ever before. And they believe the average American is just a rube, a knuckle-dragging idiot who lacks the moral insight of the highly educated, politically astute in-crowd of well-meaning folks that are so critically “important” in cultural development.

Sadly, there are Americans from all walks of life who see this killing of the health care CEO as morally justified, although they admit it is illegal.  They ask,  “Aren’t the healthcare insurance companies preventing us from getting the care we deserve?”  Well, that is the message. And it’s an old message that has circulated for many decades.

“Violence is never the answer, but people can be pushed only so far. This is a warning that if you push people hard enough, they lose faith in the ability of their government to make change, lose faith in the ability of the people who are providing the health care to make change, and start to take matters into their own hands in ways that will ultimately be a threat to everyone.” — Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat-Massachusetts

Of course, Elizabeth Warren was not the only politician to jump on the “get the SOB health care CEO” Zeitgeist bandwagon. Representatives Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and Ro Khanna  (D-CA) are leading us to believe this murder is a teachable moment. These politicians are all Leftists who play the old morality game where capitalists are oppressors and evil. Later, Warren retracted her comments after pushback, but her comments are revealing.

These Progressive Leftists are not alone in misreading basic Christian morals. I spoke to many ordinary citizens, mostly conservatives, who see this murder similarly. I’m embarrassed for them all. If anything, this incident shows that we are unable to clearly distinguish between good and evil. 

Our nation’s most respected institutions, including the family, have failed to educate us to first learn how to recognize evil when we see it, and then second, how to stand against it. The story of how we as a nation reacted to this cold-blooded murder is a testament to our moral failure.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

20 thoughts on “Testing our Morality: a CEO Murdered

  1. Tyrone Johnson

    It is both surprising and sickening that someone would oppose our healthcare costs so much that they are willing to kill for it. Shocker.

  2. Sherrif Dillion

    Elizabeth Warren – chief of morality and intelligence – is off on her interview circuit once again to pontificate to us plebes that we should be outraged that a healthcare company would deny our “human rights.” Cringe. This is not about human rights at all. No one likes insurance. But it is a great invention because it spreads out risk to the individual. You enter such a contract voluntarily. Be sure you understand the party before you sign. Business is a tough business. Yet, without insurance we would be in a pretty pickle.

      1. Big Al

        Jelly, correct. But for some reason, this whole mess makes me feel dirty. And the fact that there are Congressmen and women (mostly Democrats) who think the shooter/ murderer was justified. Sad.

  3. Pastor Jim 🙏

    “Where there is no respect for life, there you will find evil.” ~ O.R. Melling

    1. Lady Hawk

      Well now, SWEENEY, you have an interesting point here, one methinks has been bothering humans since an eternity. Shocking that so many of us are wanderers in the forest of evil yet cannot see it in front of our faces. Gen. Satterfield sees this incident and our reactions as a sort of test of our morality and while I’m not so sure, I do know that most of us will see the light and not side with a murdered nor understand him.

  4. Lord of the Flies

    True enough Gen. Satterfield, that we have to have an example like this to show where we stand. Every heart has evil running down the center. It is our moral duty to prevent that evil within us from manifesting itself.

  5. Doc Blackshear

    This entire thing was disturbing because so many of my friends thought the killing (their term) was somehow justified. It was plan and simple MURDER. There is no justification for it. If you don’t like the insurance, then don’t buy it and take your chances. Oh, you won’t do that, then quit whining.

    1. Eduardo

      Doc, excellent comment. Murder is murder. Defining murder as something else doesn’t make it so. Like the murder of unborn children and calling it as health care does make the murder any less murder. So many folks brainwashed today. Shocking that as a society, we have fallen to the point that we can no longer distinguish between good and evil. That is the point that Gen. Satterfield is making, and his point is striking and right. Let’s celebrate life, not some distortion sense of self-appointed god syndrome.

      1. Eva Easterbrook

        Good comment, Eduardo. Abortion when done for no justification is murder.

      2. mainer

        Correct, calling murder something else does not lessen the fact that the act is still murder, at least here in America. Other places like even Canada is going over the Woke edge and destroying themselves.

  6. Jack of Spades ♠️

    Just because you think a system is unfair, doesn’t mean you have to murder. Nuff said.


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