The Coming DEI War

By | July 23, 2024

[July 23, 2024]  There is a coming DEI war in America, and the results will not be pretty.  With Joe Biden backing out of his re-election campaign, VP Kamala Harris, a “black woman,” is the obvious choice of those who believe in the DEI ideology.

Kamala Harris is now the standard bearer for DEI, and those opposing her will be labeled as racist and sexist and viciously, repeatedly, and unfairly attacked by the news media, Hollywood, radical leftists, and single, fat, liberal women.  If you’ve been paying attention to politics in America, this war should come as no surprise.

Any person who opposes Harris has a difficult case to make, one in which she is not fit for office.  Many claim she is a lightweight, unserious, stupid, and unlikeable.  That is a problematic combination for her, but she will expertly wield the DEI shield to protect her upcoming presidential campaign.  That is her strategy.  Simple.  Effective.  Low risk.

Even if it means crushing half of America, which still believes in merit as the principle on which we should elect leaders, she will go full-on DEI.  Before today, there was no prominent DEI leader, but that has changed since yesterday, and she will proudly wear the trappings of that role and relish it.  Why?  Because everyone knows she cannot win against Donald Trump based on her record as a politician.

Many in America will vote for her simply because she is a black woman.  The logic of this behavior is the most anti-logic position to take, but who is to say they are wrong?  Expect an immediate coalescing around her and the announcement that we will have the “first black female president in our history.”  Her campaign will be billed as the greatest thing to happen to America since the freeing of the slaves in 1865.  A “historic moment!”

The question is, how can the Republican Party avoid being dragged onto the DEI battlefield?  And that question has no easy answer.  Logic will not work.  Pointing out that VP Harris has zero accomplishments will not work.  Showing Harris’ shady past will not work.  The reason this possible line of strategy is a failure is evident to anyone who has run against an approved DEI candidate.  The knives will be out for you, and you will find few to defend you.

Some have said that the reason Joe Biden supports Kamala Harris is his revenge on those in the Democrat Party who pushed him out.  Yes, indeed, they did push him out.  Over the past few days, the most powerful Democrats and major donors told him to drop out or be pushed out.

I’m also sure there is a sweetheart deal for Biden.  This deal would certainly include a guarantee that his son Hunter will be pardoned for his crimes, millions for a “Biden Presidential Library,” future defense of his reputation and legacy, and the one most important for Biden is the assurance the Democrat Party will protect him from being pushed prematurely out of office using the 25th Amendment.

It will take courage to fight in the coming DEI war.  We all need to be prepared.  It is going to get very ugly very fast.

America’s DEI war started yesterday.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

20 thoughts on “The Coming DEI War

  1. Frank Graham

    And now we hear that 1/3 of all Democrats wish Donald Trump was killed by that sniper. DISGUSTING. And, these are “Americans.” I’m happy I left that disgusting party years ago. Actually, they left me.

    1. The Kid

      Frank you got that right. The Democrats are being pulled leftward politically by their extremists who are pro-Hamas, anti-Israel and yet all the American Jews are pro Democrat Party. Only the Republicans are defending Jews and Israel. Are American Jews stupid? It certainly appears to be that way. What’s up with that? Voting the opposite of your values and needs. Deluded might be a better term.

  2. Semi Truck

    K. Harris has become the figurehead for DEI. Let’s see how that works out.

    1. Jonnie the Bart

      True and we will see how she comes out to define herself as a “great leader” and that we MUST vote for her. Her strategy for winning is to call Donald Trump a Hitler and herself a Black Woman. There said it. And she is spending thousands of taxpayer money today to have consultants tell her this.

      1. Unwoke Dude

        Over the past three and a half years, America has come to know VP Harris for her philosophizing about the significance of the passage of time, her coconut-laden lectures about context, her yearning to be “unburdened by what has been,” and of course, The Cackle™. 😎

  3. Bernie

    Where is Kamala. She’s not been seen lately ………………. 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀

    1. Willie Strumburger

      Still haven’t seen her and maybe that is a good thing. She is playing the Joe Biden script of staying in the basement. The more folks see her, the less they like her. And that is why the leaders of the Democrat Party – her Party – are in a panic mode and why Gen. Satterfield wrote this article. They MUST come out in support of her because she is a woman (assuming she knows that) and she is black (well not really but identifies as black). Most blacks that I know hate her for trying to steal the black culture when she is not and has never been a part of their culture. This is why there is a big DEI war coming. We see DEI departments being outlawed or shutdown for obvious reasons across the country. DEI had its run and proved to be horrible. And now she is running as the DEI candidate. She will suck in many fat, stupid, highly educated (but stupid), liberal, never married (and never will be) women across the country who believe they are oppressed (in their minds only) and will vote for her. Nothing could be more ignorant but who says that Democrats are smart.

  4. Mikka Solarno

    Scary conclusion. “It will take courage to fight in the coming DEI war. We all need to be prepared. It is going to get very ugly very fast. America’s DEI war started yesterday.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield
    Gen. Satterfield has made some excellent points in his article and I will agree with him generally. I think he needs to elaborate more on why the war is “coming” when most of us think the war is here and we are slowly winning. Maybe it’s that Kamala Harris is such a huge DEI supporter and she will certainly be one who pushes it hard on America. And America is now winning against this horrible ideology and see her pushing back on us. That is not the American way and she will hackle all the way. She is a stupid person. Let’s see how she acts over the next few weeks.

  5. Fred Weber

    Wow, excellent. The coming DEI war because VP Kamala Harris is the epitome of DEI hires.

    1. Patriot Wife

      …Fred, not because she is running but because DEI has recently taken a big hit with large companies dumping their DEI policies and firing people who were assigned to those jobs. And now DEI is in a fight for its existence and K. Harris is the cheerleader for DEI since without it, Joe Biden would never have picked her. There are other reasons he picked her, of course, and now America has to live with another horrible decision by Joe Biden, the worse president in the history of Amrerica.

      1. Kerry

        Patriot Wife, more than just Joe Biden … he is just a suckup in every aspect of his 50 years in politics. 👀👀👀

    2. Otto Z. Zuckermann

      Even thinking that people are hired for a job because of the color of their skin or sex is anti-American at its very core.

  6. Frankie Boy

    We’ve been fighting the DEI war now for a long time. And the DEI is so insidious that we cannot even see that we are fighting it.

    1. Watson Bell

      Yep, and that is one of the reasons, although maybe he didn’t know it, for Gen. Satterfield writing his last book “55 Rules for Life.” If you remember, Frankie boy, Gen. Satterfield wrote in the beginning of his series that the book was for young men. But he later changed it so the book was for everyone. And while I see his point in a broader audience, the book is still best for young men. If you don’t have a copy, get one now. They are inexpensive from Amazon. Get it while you can.

      1. Larry Michen

        I got my book and read it three times. Now my son has it and loves it too and he is only 15. 😀

    2. British Citizen

      And Joe Biden couldn’t wait to name Kamala Harris as his successor. WHY?
      I’m a Brit and I’m MAGA 2024.


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