The Media Hides Pro-Hamas Protestor Violence

By | June 20, 2024

[June 20, 2024]  A characteristic of good leadership is honesty (#6 in my series).  That is the only way to become and stay a respected, reliable, ready, and resilient leader.  When honesty goes out the window, what follows is impending failure.  And so it is with the New York Times and other mainstream media outlets as they hide pro-Hamas protestor extremism and violence.

In a Camera article last week, Gilead Ini lays this out in detail.  As he notes, extremism is a pattern with the pro-Hamas – he calls them “pro-Palestinian” – protesters.  He hedged a bit, but the reality is they are all in on the methods of Hamas, the murders, rapes, hostages, and putting their citizens in the line of fire.

“This week in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C., anti-Israel activists wished for Hitler’s return; chanted for the murder of “Zionists”; assaulted, threatened to kill, and … held banners supporting the terror group behind the Oct. 7 massacre; donned the headbands of the terrorists; waved their flags; glorified their “resistance” broadly; justified the murders at the music festival specifically; smashed and bloodied the face of a security guard; and downplayed the Holocaust.”

The NY Times – and other major media outlets – covered this as “protests.”  And they hid the ugly incidents that occurred there.

“At a June 8 demonstration in Washington, D.C., a group of demonstrators, faces covered with keffiyehs, held a large banner aligning themselves with “al Qassam,” a reference to Hamas’s gunmen who led the Oct. 7 attack.  They called for murder: “Hezbollah make us proud, kill another Zionist now!””

When the NY Times article came out, it said the demonstration was about “a call for an immediate cease-fire.” It said nothing about the celebration of Hamas and Gazan terrorism, which called for the explicit killing of Zionists.

“Statues in D.C.’s Lafayette Square were vandalized with pro-violence and eliminationist graffiti.  “Glory 2 the resistance.” “Long live Hamas.” “Intifada.” “From the river to the sea.” “Death to Amerikkka.” And plenty of upside-down red triangles, the symbol used in Hamas propaganda videos to mark targets for violent attack.”

The NY Times referred only to “handwritten scribbles” that read “free Palestine.”  Gilead Ini is saying that the media, the NY Times in his story, is disingenuously steering readers to believe the calls were more or less innocuous.  And regularly, the media overlooks clear evidence of violence.

“This week’s stories, in which the New York Times manages to erase vile extremism from four separate demonstrations, are hardly the first example of the paper coming to the aid of anti-Israel extremists.”

Hiding pro-Hamas protestor violence is a problem because America is being misled.  Those who get their news from the mainstream media are not likely to get the real story of the violence, overt hatred, tearing down posters, defacing statues, displaying terrorist symbols (like the inverted red triangle), etc.  One piece from the NY Times suggests that the calls for a Palestine “from the river to the sea” did not refer to a Palestine from the river to the sea.

Honesty matters, and the mainstream media has lost its way.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

15 thoughts on “The Media Hides Pro-Hamas Protestor Violence

  1. Chuck USA

    The media overlooks obvious violence in left-wing protests. Color me stupid.

  2. Bryan Z. Lee

    I recently saw a video, I can’t remember where, when a young man was interviewing one of the college campus protesters about what she was protesting on Israel. When he asked her what this was all about, she couldn’t answer and turned to a friend there, another “woman” and asked her why she was there. The woman friend didn’t know why either. And now we know how the ideologies of hate and envy capture people so quickly and easily. remember these are part of the deadly sins, and that is a genius observation from hundreds of years ago and no accident or random observation.

    1. Peigin

      I think I see what ur getting at. Our kids are not being taught how to think in school, but what to think. And that they are teaching is anti-American hogwash.

      1. Lady Hawk

        Exactly right, Peigin. And this article by Gen. Satterfield needs to be seen by more folks who can actually think for themselves.

    2. Eddie Gilliam

      That’s so right. College kids who protest group at several major universities was asked what they doing. Sadly they had no clue. Come on now. Honesty is critical to keep falsely hook from media. God say we should know the truth and the truth shall set us free.

  3. Scotty Bush

    “This week’s stories, in which the New York Times manages to erase vile extremism from four separate demonstrations, are hardly the first example of the paper coming to the aid of anti-Israel extremists.” – yep that’s it.
    article by Gilead Ini lays this out in detail.

  4. docwatson

    Lots of examples in the original article, well done! We need to see more of this kind of real media investigations.

    1. New York Yankee Fan

      Nope, Bernie, TIME magazine doesn’t get it. This is how they start the article “If you look at the graph of American favorability around the world since World War II, there are two deep chasms: the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the election of Donald Trump thirteen years later. They are related: each moment suggests an America of testosterone and bluster, of xenophobia and nativism, of my way or the highway.” CLASSIC ignorance right from the start. They must have hired some fat, ugly, white liberal gender-studies major to write this, it’s so crude and has all the whacko liberal buzz fears all wrapped into one article.

      1. Liz at Home

        NYYF, don’t be too surprised, there are still people out there who can’t even drive a car, much less think for themselves.

      2. Valkerie

        Good comment Yankee Fan. I stopped reading that TIME rag a couple of decades ago when they flipped over to the the dark Democrat lapdog job. 🤦‍♀️ Thanks General Satterfield for this article today that shows what we all know to be true.

  5. Silly Man

    —– and we thought differently that the media was honest? No way! Not me. I understand the media today is full of dumb college anti-American, pro-communist nut jobs.

    1. ashley

      Good to see you back in form, Silly Man! 😂😂😂😂😂


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