The New “Woke” U.S. Navy

[May 17, 2024]  The U.S. Navy has always led our Armed Forces in the “woke” ideology that has infected so many respected institutions.  And now the wokeness is in full display at the U.S. Naval College earlier this week.  The world today is increasingly a dangerous place and becoming more so, with the Middle East, Russia’s invasion, and China’s massive military expansion.

As the world spirals toward greater insecurity, wars breaking out, and people being killed outright due to terrorism, actual war, and threats of war means more to come, we see our Navy looking at how to promote the use of neutral pronouns, focusing on climate change, “allyship and masculinity” (whatever that means), gender inequality, and environmental security in Iran.

“[T]he Naval War College’s latest programming is a sign the elite institute is ‘completely losing the narrative.’ – Rep. Michael Waltz (R. Fla) and retired Colonel in the U.S. Army Special Forces

We do have to question the Naval War College commander’s thought process when he allowed a two-day event with seminars on “Advancing Feminine Power at Sea,” “Allyship and Masculinity,” “Iran: Gender Inequality, Climate Change, & Environmental Security,” and “the power of social impact storytelling.”   Rear Admiral Peter A. Garvin has to be an ideological sycophant to let this happen, or worse.

Under the Biden Administration, the U.S. military has taken a sudden turn to prioritize progressive woke issues like the integration of transsexuals, inclusive language training, advancing gendered security, and other highly political leftwing ideologies.  At a time when the U.S. military is experiencing a recruiting crisis and the Navy is explicitly missing all its recruiting goals, we see more and more citizens losing confidence in a woke military.

“Integrating the gender perspective into strategic plans and operations can be used to better understand hybrid threats, especially those that target civilian environments where adversaries may employ multifaceted strategies including disinformation, terrorism, and cyber violence, as well as economic and military tools.” – Rear Admiral Peter Garvin, U.S. Naval Academy President

With that quote, you can understand that the Naval War College is led by men and women with no business being in charge of anything, including a dog kennel.

I’ll repeat my advice from a few years ago: don’t join the U.S. military.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

16 thoughts on “The New “Woke” U.S. Navy

  1. Mark Evans

    Wokeness in the military is being imposed by elected and appointed leaders in the White House, Congress, and the Pentagon who have little understanding of the purpose, character, traditions, and requirements of the institution they are trying to change. The push for it didn’t begin in the last two years under the Biden administration—nor will it automatically end if a non-woke administration is elected in 2024. Wokeness in the military has become ingrained. Their policies directly jeopardize readiness. Senior military leaders have the moral obligation to stop it.

  2. Joey Holmes

    Gen. Satterfield certainly has his finger on the weak pulse of the US military and Navy. Shameful the way their military and civilian leaders are destroying our military one mental patient loved after another.

    1. McStompie

      Our military is indeed being destroyed and the brass is part of the problem.

  3. Bobby Joe

    Wokeism, an easy way to destroy a military’s ability to fight.

  4. Nick Lighthouse

    “Anyone who has been face to face with them during the riots will tell you they are in fact well organized militant hate groups,” the service member wrote. “However, we are encouraged to stand with them, but not groups that stand for the Constitution.” – unknown US Army active duty soldier

  5. Army Vet

    Thomas Spoehr, director of the Center for National Defense at The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, recently opined that wokeness is the “chief worry of grizzled American veterans today.” “The largest threat they see by far to our current military is the weakening of its fabric by radical progressive (or ‘woke’) policies being imposed, not by a rising generation of slackers, but by the very leaders charged with ensuring their readiness,” he wrote. “Wokeness in the military is being imposed by elected and appointed leaders in the White House, Congress, and the Pentagon who have little understanding of the purpose, character, traditions, and requirements of the institution they are trying to change.”

    1. Lizzy from Utah

      Good find, Army Vet, and thank you for our service. 👍

  6. Greg Heyman

    “Under the Biden Administration, the U.S. military has taken a sudden turn to prioritize progressive woke issues like the integration of transsexuals, inclusive language training, advancing gendered security, and other highly political leftwing ideologies. At a time when the U.S. military is experiencing a recruiting crisis and the Navy is explicitly missing all its recruiting goals, we see more and more citizens losing confidence in a woke military.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield tells us like it is. And I love it when he names names.

    1. Rev. Michael Cain

      Greg, right!!!!!! Gen. Satterfield is truly against the WOKE ideology and he is because he realizes that at its heart, the ideology is a lie.

      1. Pastor John 🙏

        The core of this Woke ideology is an opposition to Western values and a strong opposition to the belief in God.

  7. The Northeast

    Gen. Satterfield is all over the woke mind virus.

  8. Navy Vet

    Why this would occur is beyond my imagination. The senior leadership of the Navy knows this is a killer to their reputation and ability to carry out their duty, but they allow this sh## to happen anyway, and encourage it too. They must have some mind virus.

    1. Army Captain

      Navy Vet, the Army isn’t much better. And the Air Force is long gone. Only the Marines have come closer to their original mission and even they are falling for this crap. I hope that Donald J. Trump gets elected and he fires all these Generals and Admirals and the Pentagon crazies to teach them the harsh lesson they need being taught. What is happening hurts our combat readiness and that is all that matters in a military service.

    2. Gibbbie

      Great comments Navy Vet and Army Captain. Right about destroying our readiness. We’re screwed.

      1. James Earl Samson

        Sad for all of us except for those who make money off the woke ideology.


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