The Oliver Anthony Sensation

By | August 17, 2023

[August 17, 2023] Overnight, Oliver Anthony became a sensation with his song “Rich Men North of Richmond.”  You gotta love this guy.  He does something most men talk about but are afraid to do; he lives off-grid in Virginia with his three dogs (gosh, only three dogs?).  To put it gently, the song is a big FU to those in Washington, DC, who see themselves as our overlords and screw the rest of America for their own corrupt profits.

Oliver’s music echoes what many see as the new America, one where mental health declines, alcohol and drug addiction surges, crime is out of control, illegals are prioritized over our homeless veterans, and politicians kowtow to corporate America and support destroying any person who speaks out against “the machine.”  You can find the song here (YouTube video, 3:10 minutes) with more than 15 million views and 70K comments on the Radiowv channel.

Since much of the Country Western music went WOKE, I’ve paid less attention to it lately.  I’ve spent more time with classical music and what I see as pop music from the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s.  But Oliver’s sudden musical hit is creating what Steven Hayward called “… another Pauline Keal moment among the cultural arbiters of New York, Los Angeles, etc.  They are clearly threatened by Anthony’s populist message.”  And that is an excellent point.  The “big guy” is threatened by any populist movement, and Oliver nails it.

NOTE:  The Babylon Bee has a great point: “Country Music Industry Confused By Man Actually From Country Making Actual Music.”  I laugh damn hard when I read their article.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

28 thoughts on “The Oliver Anthony Sensation

    1. Linux Man

      Yeah, me too. And I see him giving interviews and they are damn good. Listen closely to what he has to say. The theme is “sticking it to the man.” Now that has its limits but Oliver Anthony is the man of the month.

  1. Idiot Savant

    Now I don’t follow the country music scene at all but I loved this. BTW, country music has gone woke and I hate that. The only reason I no longer listen to it. Now, we have some rebels.

  2. Martin Shiell

    I listened to the song and my first impression was this song is putting it to the big guy. The ‘big guy’ is pres biden (all small letters for a small man). The middle class is getting pounded everyday by this Democrat party (not democratic by tyrannical). Anyone with brains can see it. But when you think you are superior to everyone else, that way of thinking clouds your judgment. No excuse but the tyrants are not good people with bad ideas, they are bad people with evil ideas.

    1. Patriot Wife

      Listened closely. Here are some of the lyrics to contemplate:
      Livin’ in the new world
      With an old soul
      These rich men north of Richmond
      Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
      Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
      And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do
      ‘Cause your dollar ain’t shit and it’s taxed to no end
      ‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond

      I wish politicians would look out for miners
      And not just minors on an island somewhere
      Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothin’ to eat
      And the obese milkin’ welfare

      1. Rusty D

        “North of Richmond, [Virginia]” Gee, I wonder what he means…….. awwwwwww. Wait for it.
        Wait for it.
        Wait for it.
        Washington DC. and the deep state.

  3. USA Patriot II

    n Rich Men North of Richmond, Oliver Anthony, a bushy-bearded former North Carolina factory worker, sings passionately about working hard for “bullshit pay”. Armed with just a guitar and his powerful voice, he identifies the source of the problem: “rich men north of Richmond” – federal politicians – who “want to have total control”. The song laments homelessness – “folks in the street ain’t got nothin’ to eat” – and a national suicide crisis: “Young men are putting themselves six feet in the ground / ’Cause all this damn country does is keep on kicking them down.”

    1. American Girl

      YES! He is an American Patriot, just like Gen. Satterfield is.

    1. corralesdon

      Coming to Eagle Creek Golf Club Aug 19th 2-5 pm viral sensation and the Legend of Farmville
      Oliver Anthony he will be performing his new #1 hit Rich Men north of Richmond
      Tailgate Down Band will open the day from 11-2pm
      Special guest Brian Grilli
      Oliver Anthony 2-5pm
      Bonfire Brothers 530-830pm
      FREE General parking will be at moyock middle and shuttles back and forth to event.
      No outside coolers or alcohol
      Please bring your own chairs and umbrellas or tents

  4. Greek Senator

    Great and best para today……
    Since much of the Country Western music went WOKE, I’ve paid less attention to it lately. I’ve spent more time with classical music and what I see as pop music from the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s. But Oliver’s sudden musical hit is creating what Steven Hayward called “… another Pauline Keal moment among the cultural arbiters of New York, Los Angeles, etc. They are clearly threatened by Anthony’s populist message.” And that is an excellent point. The “big guy” is threatened by any populist movement, and Oliver nails it.

  5. Fred Weber

    Gen. Satterfield, once again you are highlighting the good things that happen in America and I’m happy for it. No where else can you get a series on Courage and on Letters to a Granddaughter. Keep doing what you are doing.

  6. Erik Pettersen

    Hey folks, just listen to the song more than once and you will find it better each time. Why that is the case, I do not know but the song has an addictive quality about it. I play it now each morning I get out of bed and my wife is starting to wonder if I’m not crazy. ha ha ha …….. Bottom Line … listen to the song and pay to download it.

    1. Gil Johnson

      He’s got my vote as the best CW song of the year. ❤❤❤


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