The Political Gender Gap

By | August 25, 2024

[August 25, 2024]  In an article by John Hinderaker of PowerLineBlog, he highlights a graph by Dr. Jean Twenge, an American psychologist at San Diego State University.  I looked for a recent article by Dr. Twenge and found one about the political gender gap.  I thought her article deserved some attention.

Back to John Hinderaker’s observation about Dr. Twenge’s graph showing the percentage of mental depression from 1989 to 2022 and broken out by men and women by liberal vs. conservative.  You can see the graph here (see link).  Visually, this graph shows how depression in liberal young women has spiked from 15% to 46%, with the rise beginning sometime in the early 2010s.  He observes that:

“… liberals, above all young liberal women, suffer from mental illness to an extraordinary degree.  Conservatives are normal and reasonably healthy, by comparison.” – John Hinderaker

Back to Dr. Twenge’s recent online article published in Generation Tech (link here), she shows an ever-increasing divide between young men and women on politics.  She calls this the “political gender gap.”

“With the fall election season on the horizon, all eyes are on young voters.  One trend that’s getting lots of attention is the gender gap: Since 2010, a growing proportion of young men and a shrinking proportion of young women have identified as conservative.  That has created a growing gender gap in political ideology.” – Dr. Jean Twenge, Generation Tech, published July 31, 2024

The trend has been noticed for many years, but her question is why.  Her explanation is a bit simplistic but correct in many ways.  She believes that conservatives have alienated young women while liberals have alienated young men.  She also believes that a college education has a significant liberal influence on both sexes.

Dr. Twenge concludes that, yes, “there is a growing gender gap in politics, including voting,” and offers suggestions on how both political parties could appeal to those who stray away from their parties.

Her article is worth reading for more than a political take; it is also worth reading from a relationship perspective.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

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13 thoughts on “The Political Gender Gap

  1. Emily Baker

    I think Dr. Twenge is wrong about her conclusion: “The trend has been noticed for many years, but her question is why. Her explanation is a bit simplistic but correct in many ways. She believes that conservatives have alienated young women while liberals have alienated young men. She also believes that a college education has a significant liberal influence on both sexes.” I think it is not the political parties at all but a pervasive evil ideology – Wokeness/Socialism/Communism – that has infected their minds. Take VP Kamala Harris as the classic case. Women are susceptible to this evil for some reason.

    1. Ron C.

      Get his book … it’s great and explains with great detail why this is so. Plus Michael Savage gives many examples that you can use to upset our liberal neighbor who is also mentally ill.

  2. Hiratio Algiers

    Politics heating up these days, yes! What I don’t understand is why all the lying? Tim Walz is the greatest fabulist ever I’ve seen on the stage. He exaggerates everything. I don’t like him but his accomplishments are okay like being an assistant HS coach. Come on, man, why let people think you were the head coach.

  3. Erik Pettersen

    I found this reply in the comment section by Biter Clinger at Spot on comment.
    “Democrats NEED victims and they make oodles of them to be used like toilet paper. Victims, helpless and isolated, require RESCURERS to free them from their perceived persecutors. By casting people (especially women) as victims, Democrats ride to the rescue like knights in shining armor. Until liberal women stop seeing themselves as helpless victims, Democrats will continue to use them like toilet paper. Useful, but in the end, discarded.”

    1. Jonny McB.

      🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ The soft tyranny of funding pays for groups of bitter malcontents to find grievance and sow resentment. They are then judged by how many people have been made angry and outraged. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    1. Gibbbie

      We should thank liberalism and feminism for their help to elevate young women in America. /sarc

      1. catorenasci

        Indeed ………………………….. 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀

      2. docwatson

        Gibbie, well said. These new-wave feminists are also programmed to feel that every thought and action by someone has a deeper sexist or racist motive. And that all men are toxic and out to rape and pillage them.

        1. Jerome Smith

          Yep! I indulged in an hour of MSNBC this morning. Every single guest spoke only of what the Harris presidency will do for such-and-so victim group. Gone are the JFK days of “ask not what your country can do for you…”. Democrat politics now reads like the buffet line at Golden Corral. With the tab paid by Uncle Sam.

          1. Bird Man

            Jerome, you’re right, of course. And I like your humor.

  4. Paulette Johnson

    Interesting article by by Dr. Jean Twenge, an American psychologist at San Diego State University and I also read Hinderaker’s article and saw all the graphs too. What does it tell us? Assuming the information is correct, then there is an overall problem with young women in America and it is scary that their mental health is in such serious decline. It looks like Feminism has done done women much good. I’m sure, however, they will say ‘just give it time, we are now free.’ HA HA HA HA HA Women are free, such a joke, since they are already free. Feminism is lying to them and they are expressing those lies in their mental illness.


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