The Snow White Movie Disaster 

By | March 18, 2025

[March 18, 2025]  Another official trailer for the soon-to-be released Snow White movie remake was released this weekend. If you’re planning to see it, you might just be one of the few in the theater. The movie is going to be a tragic disaster.

Disney and the Company’s senior leaders are in damage-control mode and for a long time now, thanks to Rachel Zeglar’s Woke commentary and openly trashing the 1937 original. There is the expectation among movie insiders that the movie will be an expensive flop. We don’t know yet for sure but all indications point towards it.

“May Trump supporters and Trump voters, and Trump himself never know peace. And always remember, Free Palestine.” — Rachel Zeglar

This is what is at the heart of the Snow White controversy. Imagine what the Disney executives thought when Zeglar’s quote hit the headlines. Zeglar is poison and everyone is aware the movie will lose millions because Zeglar can’t keep her radical leftist opinions to herself and that makes her a walking PR disaster.

Gal Gadot plays the evil queen who is jealous of Snow White played by Zeglar. Gadot is beautiful and Zeglar is a plain Jane. One has to suspend belief that the Queen is jealous of Snow White’s beauty when these two are playing their roles. And Gadot just doesn’t have the ability to act “evil” and Zeglar is certainly not an “innocent, beautiful young woman.”  And in this remake version, Zeglar says Snow White “wants to be the leader.”

“Anyone with even a surface-level understanding of the film industry plus legacy entertainment journalists … have known for a long time that this movie was headed for absolute disaster. Whether it was baffling casting choices, the laughable DEI parade pretending to be dwarves, the nightmarish CGI monstrosities that replaced them, the hypothetical star whose complete inability to shut her mouth, quickly and efficiently turned her into one of the most toxic celebrities in Hollywood … the warnings were all there.” — The Critical Drinker

There are only a few days left before the official release date, March 21. Even the traditional movie premieres, red carpets, and star interviews were canceled except one in Spain. Getting booed at your own premier would make any Disney executive jump out a window. This lack of access to the stars is an acknowledgment by Disney that people really don’t like the movie.

Imagine putting Zeglar in front of the public with a mic. Such a crazy idea that even Woke Disney could figure out. Every time Zeglar opens her mouth, Disney loses millions of dollars. Right now, Disney is just hiding all things Snow White which is pure damage control.

This shows how the powerful implosion of the strongest organizations can happen when leaders are weak and are subject to destructive ideologies. The best leaders can see through attempts to divert them from their mission. Woke ideology looks good in the beginning but destroys everything in the end.

I’m just going to sit back, relax, pop some popcorn, pet my dog, and wait for this disaster of a movie to self-destruct.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

21 thoughts on “The Snow White Movie Disaster 

  1. Wellington 🕷️

    The main aim of Disney seems to have been to get the star of their movie — 23-year old Rachel Zegler — as far away from the public as possible. As President Trump once memorably put it, “Everything woke turns to s—t.” That even includes attempts to remake a movie classic like “Snow White.” This week saw one of the strangest movie promotional events ever. Skipping all the major cities, Disney decided to throw a premiere event for 100 people at a remote castle in Segovia, Spain. Crazy? Yes, but Disney has been imploding for years by pushing woke ideology on kids. 🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️

  2. Francis Jones

    Rachel Zeglar’s Woke, the gift that keeps on giving.

  3. Willie Shrumburger

    I’m going to hold my opinion about the movie until after I see it. That is going to take while since there is no way I’m going to pay not see it in a theater (after all the negative publicity). But, I do want to take note that the scuttlebutt says the movie will be a disaster and the reason is that it’s woke. And when you go,woke, you go broke.

  4. Ronny Fisher

    What do I see? I see a crash and burn of a $300 million movie and for several reasons. First, they allowed an immature, narcissistic young woman – average looking at best – to be Snow White. That was an awful decision. Then to knowingly let her out and talk about the original movie in public and knowing she has those characteristics is insane. And, predictably, she blew it. And worse, she continues to blow it. Second, they inherently trashed the original by invoking woke ideology and intentionally – can only be intentional – insulting the original. A Latino Snow White who “don’t need no man.” I laughed my ass off at the crazy adaptation. And a terrible adaptation. In two days, the movie hits theaters. I may be wrong but I doubt it. Hey folks, don’t see this movie.

  5. Pastor Jim 🙏

    Latina Snow White? Yeah, rigghhtttt. 😍. Praying for their souls.

  6. New Girl

    When you realize the movie has already become the Internet’s 🛜 favorite movie to HATE. And yet, it’s not even out yet. Star Wars, MCU, Indiana Jones, and now Snow White; I’ve never seen such a catastrophe of a woke company and it’s now about to self delete.

    1. Buddy at Blue State

      Got that right. I can’t wait till the movie comes out and then I’ll be reading comments for the entertainment value.

  7. Liz at Home

    Message to Zeglar: Your Snow White don’t need no man.
    Prince Charming: Don’t flatter yourself. Is your stepmother home?

  8. Toni Songbird

    Sir, you failed to mention Rachel Zeglar’s greatest accomplishment — taking the title of most hated actress in Hollywood from Brie Larson. I’m sure Brie is very happy.

  9. Sillyman

    Snow White opens this Friday. You won’t see me or my kids there.

    1. Good Dog

      You’ll be alone if you go. Those there will be all Woke, pink hair, rose-colored glasses, liberal whackos, and probably on Xanax or uppers. I’d stay away for that reason alone. 😜

      1. Gays for Trump

        ….. and nose rings with face tattoos.
        Gag me with a spoon.

  10. Judy

    You can bet that neither my family or I will see this movie ever.

    1. Paulette

      Judy, I told my daughters that this film – er, propaganda outlet – was a “tragedy” because Disney had a wonderful opportunity to give us a great story with updated live actors/actresses but that they changed the story into a lie. The idea that Snow White wants to “be the leader she should be” is ludicrous. No one says that. Zeglar is an idiot. And she is not beautiful at all. In fact, my husband rated her looks a strong 4. Gal Gadot is much prettier and a better actress.

      1. Wesley Brown

        Good choice. Snow White is a tumbling disaster. I will not go see it.


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