[July 23, 2021] You come to websites like the Leader Maker to read about hard hitting issues, such as how discussing election integrity will get you banned from Facebook. What you won’t read are a bunch of wishy-washy ideas that you learn more from failure than success, but the fact is that you do not. Learning how “Not” to do something is not going to teach you “How” to do something. So, where can we learn from mistakes? We should highlight mistakes when they are so prevalent, when they are made so often, that to ignore them would be like ignoring a rainstorm during a BBQ. Here are three thought leadership mistakes you should probably avoid.
Thinking That Domineering is the Same As Control
The hands-on-your-hips domineering parenting style of leadership is problematic in that it appears to work with most employees and most followers. The busy-body Karen variety of management can allow very poor quality leaders to get pretty far in management. Yet, it is a very poor leadership method. It is crude, dumb, and doesn’t inspire any form of loyalty with the exception find out fake loyalty that you may see in a sycophant. In most cases, the people under you are just waiting for a chance to screw you over and will happily trample on you on their way up the ladder.
A Broad Focus Does Not Cover All Bases
Some people think that they can be a Jack/Jill of all trades through having a very broad focus. Even if you are leading a very diverse team of professionals, you cannot pretend to be all things to all people. It is okay for you to be an expert in some things and not in others. For example, some of the oil, gas and energy working companies of this world are staffed with the finest minds on the planet, but even they need consultancy services from time-to-time, such as those by Digital Oil and Gas Solutions. This is because brilliant people know they are not experts in everything. Worse still, if you try to be an all-knowing Jack/Jill of all trades, the facade is often flimsy and easily broken down. A broad focus is often a cover for not knowing anything in depth. It is the person who claims to be an expert in books because he or she has read hundreds of book covers.
Any Form of Negativity
The Internet is “Rife” with experts who claim the world is awful. A lack of integrity, a lack of gratitude, and a lack of awareness makes it very easy for dullards to make everything negative. Taking a negative tact is easy, that is why so many people do it. Litter your content, your thoughts, your actions, and your teachings, with the positives in this world. Remember that your country is like your child, you may be angry at your child from time-to-time, but your job is to fix your country, to help and support your country. Your job is not to criticize your country at every opportunity.
Negativity in leadership is poison in all its forms. Nobody wants a grumpy manager, nobody wants an army general telling soldiers that a situation is hopeless. Nobody wants a creative movie team focusing on negatives and divisiveness. Eliminate negativity and learn a little gratitude.
Thank you guys, for the kind feedback on my articles!
Brian, thank you for the advice, I will definitely check out Gen. Satterfield’s article!
Best regards,
Charlie Svensson
Charlie, as I noted before on your previous article, “Tips for Building a Leadership Team” these are pretty basic ideas but also the ones that many junior leaders have ignored. Gen. Satterfield, over the past two days, posted articles that addressed junior leader lessons learned from a US Army Lieutenant who had been to Afghanistan to fight the terrorists and insurgents there. I recommend you read them as well.
Good point Bryan. I liked Charlie’s article as well. We all can learn from studying all these articles. If nothing else, just read them daily.
Yep, one easy way to gain some leadership vocabulary, as well.
Thanks Charlie, great to see you back here on Gen. Satterfield’s leadership blog.
“Negativity” is, of course, one of the major downfalls that easily creep up on us. Why? It’s easier and use and easier to make it work (at least in the short term). Longterm negativity will nearly always fail.
Another good job with your article, Mr. Svensson. Good to see you back.