Tim Walz Abandoned His Soldiers [Updated]

By | August 8, 2024

[August 9, 2024]  It has just been revealed that Tim Walz falsely claimed he carried weapons “in war” in a resurfaced clip that JD Vance blasted this week as another example of the Democrat vice presidential candidate using “stolen valor.”


[August 8, 2024]  It appears that Vice President-select Tim Walz abandoned his unit’s Soldiers before their deployment to Iraq.  Veterans from the Minnesota National Guard are condemning governor Tim Walz for embellishing his military record and claiming that he “betrayed” his country when he voluntarily retired in 2005, just months before his unit’s deployment.

“He abandoned us; what the hell.  What kind of leader does that?  As soon as the shots were fired in Iraq, he turned and ran the other way and hung his hat up and quit.” – Tom Behrends, retired Command Sergeant Major, Minnesota National Guard

For those unfamiliar with the culture of the military, such a public condemnation of a senior enlisted Soldier against another is both highly unusual and incredibly damning.  Tim Walz’s not refuting the accuracy of this inflammatory accusation is an admission of guilt.  No service member would ever allow something like this to go unchallenged with the facts of his record.

Further, Walz’s claims he is a “retired Command Sergeant Major” are false.  Military records confirmed that Walz served conditionally as a CSM (E-9) but was reduced in rank for failing to meet the requirements of that rank, and subsequently, he was retired one rank lower to Master Sergeant (E-8).  To claim falsely that he is retired as a CSM is insulting to all enlisted who aspire to that rank and all Americans.

“Normally, this kind of political attack only comes from one who’s never worn the uniform.” – Tim Walz

Walz is incorrect.  Military members who “wear the uniform” will strongly point out any failure to meet military requirements or failure to meet their obligations and duties assigned.  The fact that the accusation was made public is what Walz is upset about, and he is now deflecting our gaze away from the truth.

I’m sure Kamala Harris was aware of this controversy and dismissed it.  That was a mistake that will haunt her and Walz. Many are calling Walz’s misuse of his service record to obtain political office nothing less than Stolen Valor.  This is an incredibly serious charge that invokes legal concerns.

Most of us will remember John Kerry’s campaign for the U.S. presidency in 2004.  His honesty and integrity were relentlessly attacked by a group known as Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (SBVT).  They claimed that Kerry willfully distorted the conduct of American service members during the Vietnam War, exaggerated claims about his own service in Vietnam, and deliberately misrepresented the activities of SBVT members.  The attacks were very effective in helping ensure Kerry’s defeat.

Will the Stolen Valor accusations and Walz’s improper embellishment of his military record do the same?  But the accusation that he abandoned his Soldiers  is the most egregious allegation because it shows cowardice, a serious character flaw.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

22 thoughts on “Tim Walz Abandoned His Soldiers [Updated]

  1. Hiratio Algiers

    Tim Walz abandoned his soldiers. Period. No excuses. No forgiving. He is a coward.

  2. Tom Bushmaster

    I was afraid that Kamala Harris would select Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro as her VP candidate. I was wrong but I also was relieve because Shapiro is a much stronger candidate. I do believe that she didn’t select him because he is a Jew and Harris is anti-Semitic. I thought of all the choices she had that the last one she would pick would be Tim Walz, because he adds nothing to the ticket to help her win. But, hey, I was pleasantly wrong.

      1. Kerry

        I was hoping that Kamala would select Gov Shapiro because he is a moderate and is likeable. He would bring a much-needed balance to the ticket that Kamala has lost. She needs someone that voters can identify with. For now, I’ll put aside the idea that she only had white males to choose from – that is an interesting meme in the making itself. I do hope that the Democrats work hard to articulate their politices and I’ve seen none of it from Kamala. Perhaps she should start taking interviews. I know that Shapiro can do it. But she is the ‘selected’ Democrat nominee for President, not the VP pick. Let her speak. The VP pick is not the front runner and Walz certainly cannot do the job.

  3. Ronny Fisher

    Lots of discussion about whether Tim Walz is a coward and abandoned his troops before battle. But I think the real discussion needs to be brought back to the more important aspect of Tim Walz – his poor record as governor of Minnesota. Watch this X post, that I think hits the nail on the head.

    Gov. Tim Walz's reaction the BLM riots:"A society that does not put equity and inclusion first will come to this result"This is who Kamala picked as her VP. pic.twitter.com/AOKkByahVg— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 6, 2024

    1. Stacey Borden

      Ronny, good note. “You are morally obligated to lower your standard of living for the intellectual comfort of people who hate you.” He’s exactly the kind of person I would have expected Kamala to choose.

  4. Nuevo Byrd

    ………. OUCH ……….. Exposing Tim Walz as a traitor and liar …… OUCH ……..

  5. Army Captain

    Gen. Satterfield believes that Tim Walz abandoning his soldiers is the most egregious sin. I agree. Those who think it is the stolen valor that is important, I think miss the point.

  6. Willie Strumburger

    IMO, this issue with Stolen Valor, not his cowardice and abandoning his soldiers, is going to be his real problem. “I’m sure Kamala Harris was aware of this controversy and dismissed it. That was a mistake that will haunt her and Walz. Many are calling Walz’s misuse of his service record to obtain political office nothing less than Stolen Valor. This is an incredibly serious charge that invokes legal concerns.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield. Let us not forget that there are legal statues on Stolen Valor which means if you use false claims of military service – whether you were actually a service member or not – for personal gain (like getting elected), then you have violated federal law AND there are penalties including prison time.

    1. USA Patriot II

      “Exaggerating Your Background or Résumé” by Gen. Satterfield, posted [December 2, 2017]
      Exaggerating our background or résumé is something we all have done. Humans are prone to adding a little excitement to our accomplishments for a variety of reasons; usually as a way to get people to notice us. However, when leaders exaggerate their accomplishments, the results can turn out ugly. U.S. Senators Elizabeth Warren and Richard Blumenthal have both been in the news lately for doing just this. In each case they repeatedly told a particular lie and eventually, they were caught. In each case it brought a degree of humiliation upon them and those connected to them. Warren and Blumenthal were both called out by U.S. President Trump for doing so. Neither of them continues to lie about their background but their past lies follow them and crop up at inopportune times.

      1. OJ to Hell

        The lies can only make a person weaker and less able to do their job. They have warped their own version of themselves and cannot be authentic. That is what we see going on here and Tim Walz is a person we will never know because his world is full of so many lies and bad decisions that he will be a nobody after K. harris and him lose this upcoming election.

  7. Paulette Johnson

    Despite multiple claims to the contrary over the years, Walz never served in combat. That makes him a liar too. Typical Democrat politician who will lie about anything to get elected. He is perfect for K. Harris.

  8. Gibbbie

    A good article from the NYPost: “Tim Walz’s lies about his service embody his leadership failures and Kamala Harris’”

    From the Post’s editorial board, they wrote “It took less than a day for Tim Walz to start unraveling: It turns out Kamala Harris’ running mate lied for years about leaving the National Guard with the high rank of Command Sgt. Major. In fact, he was demoted after bugging out when his unit was called up to serve in Iraq in 2005.
    That’s the opposite of real leadership, and all too fitting for the Harris-Walz ticket.”

    1. Bill Sanders, Jr.

      Right, and thanks Gibbie. The problem here is that most Americans don’t give a crap about military service any more.

      1. pigpen larry

        Sad but true., Bill. Fewer and fewer folks join the military today and less and less people know anything at all about what it takes to learn the values of service and what it takes mentally and physically to do even a single tour of duty in peacetime. Wartime is another matter altogether and Tim Walz bugged out on his troops. Is he a coward for doing so? Leftist politicians will so it doesn’t matter. But those of us who have served say that Tim Walz is a COWARD.

        1. Melo in Chicgo

          I’m glad that Im not a Democrat. that’s all I can say.

    1. Yusaf from Texas

      👍😎👀🤣🤦‍♂️ Good comment 🤷‍♂️😉👏✌😁


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