Too Dumb to Be a Senior Leader

By | July 13, 2024

[July 13, 2024]  After watching President Joe Biden give a press conference last night and him taking “pre-approved” questions from “pre-selected” journalists, I’m reminded of several times in my military career when I worked for people too dumb to be a senior leader.  I’ve written about them before, so I won’t open that can of worms.  But I will state clearly that a dumb leader can never be a good leader.

I once said this to a good friend while in combat in Iraq, “That Colonel is just too dumb to be useful.”  And I was elated that I didn’t have to work for or with that dumb Colonel.  Yes, the Army does make mistakes when promoting the dumb, but those mistakes are typically sorted out early in Soldiers’ careers.  Sometimes, the dumb escape scrutiny until well into their careers and then there will be pain getting rid of them.

It was easy to work around my Infantry Company Commander, who was ineffective; yep, he was dumb.  As a new Platoon Leader working closely with the company’s Executive Officer, we overcame our Commander’s incompetence and later assisted him out of the Army.  It amazed me that someone could have gone so long and been promoted to the rank of Captain and then given command when it was painfully obvious this man couldn’t do the job.

If I were amazed at a Captain’s inability to do his job, I would later work with a Major General (a 2-star) who was dumb and a lousy leader.  How was this even possible?  He managed to get to that rank by having no difficult or high-visibility job.  He just squeaked through, doing the minimum and not creating any waves.  As well he had zero combat experience.

It pains me to write this, but too many senior Army officers were just too lazy to do the work to get rid of dumb leaders.  When those are senior dumb leaders needing removal, there is also a high risk of getting into entanglements that are bad for the unit.

I was often designated to do the dirty work by removing dumb leaders (mostly senior enlisted and officers), forcing them out of the Army.  I was good at it.  That fact didn’t make me smart or some hero, but my ‘skill’ came in handy for the Army.

President Joe Biden is a man who has outlasted his ability to do the job, and now he needs to step down.  The higher the rank, the more responsibility a leader has and the greater the importance of the job, the more difficult it will be to remove that person.  That is the case here.  I am one of those who would like to see Joe Biden step down from his campaign to be re-elected.  He is incapable of doing even the minimum required of the job.  And that is a fate far worse than stopping his re-election campaign with far-reaching implications for America and the world.

I’ve had to endure and actively work to have dumb leaders removed.  I understand what it takes and the turmoil in the wake of such an action.  But it is better to remove dumb leaders now than wait for their terms of office to expire.  Getting Biden to step down will be a pain, but the alternative is much worse.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

16 thoughts on “Too Dumb to Be a Senior Leader

  1. Larry Nimitz

    Kimberly Cheatle Is another DUMB leader as head of the Secret Service and needs to be fired today for her USSS failures.

  2. Willie Strumburger

    “It pains me to write this, but too many senior Army officers were just too lazy to do the work to get rid of dumb leaders. When those are senior dumb leaders needing removal, there is also a high risk of getting into entanglements that are bad for the unit.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield. I’m a little surprised by this, that the Army or any US military branch would have very senior leaders who are not up to the job. But after seeing the performance – or lack of performance – by Gen Mark Milley, the previous senior military man, I can now understand how they can sneak into senior roles. That is something someone should write about. Most of the time, a war sorts out dumb senior leaders, but only after they cause a catastrophe, and that is what is probably going to happen with Joe Biden. Something big is going to happen and he will fail at protecting America. But knowing Democrats, they will blame everything on us.

    1. Texas Jim

      This is also important part of the point Gen. Satterfield was making … “I’ve had to endure and actively work to have dumb leaders removed. I understand what it takes and the turmoil in the wake of such an action. But it is better to remove dumb leaders now than wait for their terms of office to expire. Getting Biden to step down will be a pain, but the alternative is much worse.”

  3. rjsmithers

    A growing chorus of Democratic officeholders is calling on Joe Biden to retire from the presidential race, and high-buck donors say they will withhold $90 million if he is the candidate–which, in the scheme of things, isn’t all that big a number. Why are the Democrats airing their horror at Biden’s candidacy in public? Because they don’t have any behind-the-scenes way to force him out. Their convention will take place in a few weeks, and Biden has virtually all the delegates. So the DNC’s only recourse is public pressure, putting them in the bizarre position of assuring us all that their president, the man who won almost all their convention delegates, can’t win. While Biden seeks refuge in his bunker with his closest advisers, Jill and Hunter.

    1. KRause

      Trying to make sense of polling when Biden is actually ahead in vote count today is a crazy thing. So, “Can Biden Win?” The answer is yes, and what that means is that Americans would elect a Potato is it was a Democrat promising a handout.

      1. Kevin Cratz

        Got that right, KR. What does that say about Democrats or about Americans having things too good.

      2. KenFBrown

        “Can Biden Win?” Yes, when Americans are also dumb. Now we know why they are dumbing down public schooling.

        1. Jammie

          Right, Ken, they go hand in hand, and that has been a trend for many years now. Promise something like a “chicken in every pot” or “free marijuana” for the clueless and there you have it. Free stuff from the president. Or remove any obligation to pay back your student loans. The “college students” are part of the dumb and dumber groups that fall for it every time. What they don’t realize is all that FREE STUFF has to be paid back, and they will pay for it in high taxes the rest of their lives.

  4. Emma Archambeau

    Lune Froide, Going Places, Kings of the Road, Dumb and Dumber. All these movies have my favorite theme – two male drifters cruising through life with not a care in the world to bother them. And that is Biden & Harris, just drifting through life without a care in the world, zero responsibility, not caring what happens around them, hard to get motivated, and always doing DUMB stuff. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    1. Gil Johnson

      Well said, Emma. In normal times this wouldn’t matter. We could have our clownworld in Washington DC, but when things get tough, you need real leadership and today we have a puppet.

    1. Xerces II

      1994 was the year when Jim Carrey became one of the most famous comedians on the planet. Not only was Dumb and Dumber released in 1994, but also Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and The Mask. He was not just the most bankable comedy actor in Hollywood, he was also the highest paid actor in the world as he was the first person to earn $20 million for a single film.

    2. Wendy Holmes

      Yeah, great guy’s movie!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

      1. mainer

        Right! Wendy it is so obvious. and I think that is why the white House Dumb and Dumber duo is so often laughed at too.


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