Trump Will Demand Resignations over Afghanistan

By | August 23, 2024

[August 23, 2024]  This is what Americans need to hear!  In a rally at Asheboro, NC, two days ago, former President Donald Trump pledged that he would demand the resignations of top military officials behind the inglorious Afghanistan retreat.

It is hard to find a clearer case for their resignations.  Unfortunately, many of these senior leaders will be retired by that point.  I hope he calls them back to active duty and demands their resignations.  Doing so would forever stain their reputations as failed American leaders.

The fact that no senior leader resigned or was fired over the horrible failure of the Afghanistan failure amazes me.  Nearly three years ago, just after we retreated from the battlefield, I wrote:

“History will not be kind to those in senior leadership positions that made or supported the decision to make a sudden, unannounced retreat.  Losing a war by giving up when you have the best military in the world is tantamount to treason perpetuated on an innocent public.  Betrayal is the first word that comes to my mind; betrayal to the people of America, citizens of Afghanistan, to our Allies, and the world.” – December 28, 2021

I was saying then, and deeply believe now, that it is both the legal and moral duty to provide timely, legal, ethical, and strategic advice to senior political leaders.  When those politicians fail to follow your advice on critical issues, it is time to resign.  As I say, it is time to throw your stars on the table.

“What should they have done if they disagreed with President Biden?  They should have recommended against this dangerous withdrawal in the strongest possible terms.  If they did not do everything within their authority to stop the retreat, they should throw their stars on the President’s desk and resign.” – December 28, 2021

And for those who did not resign, they have allowed themselves to be forever tied to that failed decision.  This betrayal is largely why the American public has lost trust and confidence in our military.  Americans know evil when they see it, but our leaders have failed to recognize it.

“Alas, failure to resign will enhance their careers but at the cost of failing to do something about evil.  And, that is what our problem is today with senior military officers and why the American public no longer trusts the U.S. military.” – December 28, 2021

In his political rally, Trump spoke about issues related to Afghanistan, the Ukraine-Russian War, Wokeism in the U.S. military, and the crisis facing our Armed Forces.  I watched the rally and saw him speak about how it was both President Biden and VP Harris who failed the U.S. exit from Afghanistan.

My concern is more about the senior military leaders like Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley who failed the American people because they were military partisans working to the detriment of America.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

16 thoughts on “Trump Will Demand Resignations over Afghanistan

  1. Army Vet

    If you are reading this and are not currently in the military or a veteran, then you may not understand the depth of which we dislike (should I say HATE) other military folks who fantastically fail their missions through purposeful neglect or political ideology. Men who are not real men like Mark Milley and Lloyd Austin, two of the most hated military men in America, are examples of this. The fact that Donald Trump as President would push them to resign their commissions, not retire, is spot on and absolutely the right thing to do.

  2. Pink Cloud

    Gen. Satterfield, thank you for today’s timely article. Indeed, our nation is worse off because of the retreat from Afghanistan and I do believe in holding accountable those in power over us. Fire Joe Biden. Well, he quit anyway so we don’t get to say “YOU’RE FIRED.” Made me feel better typing that. 🤣

  3. Jeff Blackwater

    American is the best country in the world, but it can be destroyed by adopting Communism and Socialism. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have introduced those horrid ideologies into American and now we are in decline.

    1. Otto Z. Zuckermann

      Sad but true, Jeff. But I pray and beleive that Donald Trump will be elected president in November. It does look like Kamala Harris’s campaign is beginning to implode despite the mass media propping her up.

  4. Autistic Servent

    Let us never forget that Gen. Satterfield is a true patriot and loves America. He has been tested on the battlefield and is now giving us some of his thoughts. Just read his last book “55 Rules for a Good Life” to get an idea of his insights. Also, read “Why I’m An American Patriot.”

  5. USA Patriot II

    🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Good for President Trump. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  6. Max Foster

    “History will not be kind to those in senior leadership positions that made or supported the decision to make a sudden, unannounced retreat. Losing a war by giving up when you have the best military in the world is tantamount to treason perpetuated on an innocent public. Betrayal is the first word that comes to my mind; betrayal to the people of America, citizens of Afghanistan, to our Allies, and the world.” – December 28, 2021, Gen. Doug Satterfield. What else can one say but that Gen. Satterfield had the right insight to this terrible debacle created by Joe Biden and seconded by Kamala Harris (who claimed she was the last person in the room when the decision was made and she supported it). The policies of Biden-Harris are getting people killed and ruining America’s reputation.

    1. Patriot Wife

      MAX, you are spot on with your comment and thank you for the quote from Gen. Satterfield. Our nation is declining in direct proportion to the authority of Joe BIden and the minions running the nation today. Who is running America? I don’t think anybody knows.

  7. Sissy Woman

    What I see in Gen. Satterfield’s article is frustration at the on-going failure to hold anyone accountable for the horrific failures in the Afghanistan retreat – no, it wasn’t a “Withdrawal.” It was a retreat, like a sissy man in the White House who wants his ice cream and someone to wipe his butt. Just think, that I once believed that Jimmie Carter – the malaise president – was the worst president in American history. He is now high-fiving everyone because Joe Biden is now the worst president ever in American history. And that will be hard to beat. Unless, of course, Kamala Harris becomes president and she will undoubtedly be the worst president because …. wait for it…. she is stupid.

  8. Army Captain

    It’s about time someone finally put their foot down and demanded consequences for failure. A lot of big brass should lose their jobs. Fire them now! Don’t let them have a pension unless they resign in disgrace and publicize their resignations on national tv.

    1. Lou Schmerconish

      Army Capt, i agree with you. Maddening how these slimeballs got away with their terrible decisions.

      1. Dog Man

        This is all typical in the lost Biden presidency. He only cared about enriching his family through bribes from China, Ukraine, and Moscow. We, the little people, don’t matter.


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