UK Police Arrest ‘Bullying’ Autistic Girl

By | August 13, 2023

[August 13, 2023] Shocking video of the UK Police violently arresting an autistic 16-year-old girl.  The West Yorkshire police arrested the girl for saying a policewoman looked like her “lesbian nana.”  This is deemed a ‘hate crime’ in the UK.  The terrified girl was dragged away by seven police officers charging her with a “homophobic public order offense.”

I consider this story necessary and published a short version yesterday in my ‘Clearing the Spindle: a World Gone Crazy” post, with me suggesting the police should not make one of those predictable bureaucratese-like statements.  They ignored my advice (ha, of course) and decided to do precisely that.   Here is what they wrote on their website.  “While that ongoing process and the active criminal investigation limit our ability to discuss the incident in detail fully, we feel it is important for people to have some context about the circumstances.

Any sane person would immediately judge this as horrific and say that someone should have stopped it right away.  But that was not to be the case.  This autistic girl was distraught, hitting herself in the head and hiding in a cupboard.  We need to ask what were these police officers thinking.  What were their priorities?  What kind of leadership guidance do they have that would suggest this appalling police behavior?  Where is the human empathy?

We would be right to question whether police resources are correctly used when the crime rate in the UK is skyrocketing, and the rate of solved crimes has plummeted to a low of around five percent.  A report from June of this year reported the UK police had failed to solve a single burglary in half of the neighborhoods across England and Wales in the last three years, a damning statistic.

The female police officer is giving us a smug look after the arrest (my article thumbnail).  Douglas Murray says this is the look of a police force that can police everything except crime.  These real crimes not only go unsolved but are uninvestigated.  The senior leadership of these police forces are the ones most at fault.  Increasingly, those who rise to leadership positions are highly political actors who do what they think politicians want them to do.

As a side note, I did something I very rarely do.  I commented on a YouTube video.

“The problem I see this incident causing is further deterioration of the trust the average citizen has of our police forces worldwide.” – Doug Satterfield on YouTube (comments deleted and turned off)

Yesterday morning after the comment had been up for about 12 hours, it received more than 2,000 likes and hundreds of comments.  Later, all comments on the channel were turned off.  And there you have it; YouTube censorship continues.

The blowback on the UK police for mishandling this incident is only beginning.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

32 thoughts on “UK Police Arrest ‘Bullying’ Autistic Girl

  1. Eddie Gilliam

    What a crying shame. As a cop for 25 years in the air force our job were to protect the people and resources from hostile forces. The uk cops that were involved in the arrest of the teenager was unprofessional and need to be replaced. To much of this is going on worldwide. What if it was one of their children.

    1. Bernie

      You got that right Eddie. Look at how the UK police have generated from once a universally recognized and respected force to a complete farce. How far they have fallen says alot about Britain.

  2. Ron C.

    OUCH, this is not going to go well this week for the Leeds Police. They are under fire right now and rightly so.

    1. Silly Man

      Ron C., yep, you are right. Things this week are going to be tough on them. Let’s see how they extract themselves from this blunder. The picture of that lesbo police officer who was the instigator is plastered around the world with her arms folded and looking smug. I hope she gets fired and everyone makes fun of her. She is now the face of tyrannical police forces worldwide. Their message to the populace? We are here and will arrest you for any “thought crime” we think you are committing. Please change the name of your police force to Stasie.

  3. Dale Paul Fox

    HORRID and SHAMEFUL police work. I cannot any longer trust the police or our justice system.

  4. Valkerie

    The smug look on that policewoman’s face is sickening. Thank you, Gen. Satterfield for bringing this to our attention. Altho my wife told me about it yesterday, I’m glad you got this into your blog.

    1. Pooch T.

      I nearly threw up watching her on the video. This is what a full blown tyrant looks like. Very scary. She doesn’t care one whit and said so. The copper only cares about her feelings and will arrest anyone who insults her (and note that what the 16-year old said was not an insult but a description that this policewoman looked like her grandmother). So so so so shameful an act on the behalf of us. Oh, the crime solving rate in the Leeds are is about 6 percent. Maybe more officers could be put to solving crimes instead of arresting autistic girls for “hate crimes.”

  5. DI Fred Thursday

    One of the most egregious abuse of police powers I have seen in my 35 years of service.

    1. Greg Heyman

      Thousands and thousands of comments across many social media platforms and almost zero in support of the West Yorkshire police. A cursory scan of the main words are: resign, disgusting, sad, abuse, and disgrace. No surprise for those of us who have common sense. Note that the LGBTQI+ community is deafeningly silent.

      1. Liz at Home

        Right Greg, and excellent point. They know they too are going to get some much deserved heat for pushing their deviant sexual behavior onto children and the average person is not going to put up with it.

  6. Bernie

    Hey Gen. Satterfield, I found one of your comments on the channel that had Douglas Murray and as of this posting, you had 271 likes and 7 comments, all agreeing with you.
    1 day ago
    This “arrest” will have negative consequences for police officers not just in the UK but around the Western world.

  7. ZB Two Two

    Common sentiment:
    2 days ago
    Good old police can’t deal with grooming gangs or moped gangs or drug dealers or violent crime or burglaries,,,but are all over a 16 yr old autistic girl who said a female pc looks like her nana who is a lesbian… well done police that’s why the public all think you’re bullying scum . They’re brown shirts with a SS badge. Britain is now run by liberal fascists with the public constantly being attacked as criminals do as they please .

    1. Winston

      Douglas Murray slams ‘triumphant’ officers for ‘bullying’ an autistic girl
      For those who are unfamiliar with Douglas Murray, get ready. He is one of the new generation with a functioning brain. You don’t want to get on his bad side with some stupid argument about “saving the world.”

    2. mainer

      When you’re allowed to arrest someone solely over your feelings, you’re not oppressed. You are the oppressor. 🤔

  8. Max Foster

    Diversity is our strength. NOT. Unity is our strength. Having a bunch of lesbians on our police forces is not working out too well. I hope this police officer from Leeds eventually resigns (in disgrace, altho it will not be spun that way). She made a huge mistake. One way to quickly overcome the mistake is to apologize publically and say why she was wrong (in her own words) and promise to support and defend ALL citizens in the future. It may now be too late for an apology. And, those non-apology apologies will be seen for exactly what they are … gross pandering.
    “Seven Police Arrest 16-Year-Old Autistic Girl for ‘You look like my lesbian nana’ comment!”\
    Watch and hear the police in action. Main quote “I don’t care.” There you have it.

    1. Marx and Groucho

      One thing is good here. They wore body cameras. And someone took a video and uploaded it to tictok. Good for them.

      1. Frank Graham

        Good point. Now the world can see how the UK is in the trash can. Shame Shame Shame Shame on the Yorkshire police force. Everyone of them should resign their positions today. I hope that female lesbo cop gets canned and real fast.

      1. Jonnie the Bart

        Let’s not do what progressive leftists do and dox this “woman” (or man or whatever). She should simply fade into the background and not show her face again for a long long time. She made one of the biggest mistakes an officer of the law can make and now she owns it. But also, her superiors own it too and they should resign.

  9. Janna Faulkner

    Shame on the police for their despicable acts toward a young teenage retarded girl.

    1. Peigen

      Right, but it would not matter if she was a teenager or “retarded” or in her home or not. Those who are sworn to stop crime and protect the innocent are now after to arrest the innocent for thought crimes.

  10. British Citizen

    At least we have photo and video evidence of the lesbian officer who created this whole mess. Every leader in the West Yorkshire police should be immediately relieved of duty. They can no longer be trusted to properly carry out their sworn duties to protect and defend. I am ashamed of being British.

      1. Mikka Solarno

        Ouch, I would too be ashamed of being a lesbian but that is not the point here, the point is that tyranny is growing rapidly in the UK, Austrailia?NZ, and America. How very sad. This stupid cow policewoman is the face of our distrust in our police. Gen. Satterfield nailed it when he said it will reflect badly upon all police worldwide.,

        1. Dead Pool Guy

          The blowback is not just going to be on the police but also on lesbians. And, frankly, they deserve it.

    1. Audrey

      BC, thanks for your comment and that I know more of our British friends are not crazy-ass leftists like so many are today. Tyranny knows no bounds.

    2. Frontier Man

      SHAME SHAME SHAME. Thanks all for putting in your two cents worth and calling out obvious tyrannical behavior. Policing speech is the EVIL of our times. I’m happy that this copper’s SMUG face is plastered all over the world for everyone to see. She is a BITC#.


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