Category Archives: Values

Core Values: KBR, Inc.

By | March 8, 2015

[March 08, 2015] During my three years in Iraq as a U.S. Army engineer, I was exposed almost daily to KBR personnel who provided engineering and logistical support to the U.S. military. Without the capability provided by this firm, the military could not have operated at the level that U.S. and Coalition did to attack insurgent and terrorist… Read More »

Core Values: Costco

By | February 3, 2015

[February 03, 2015] I was watching a televisions special on Costco the other night with my wife. She was captivated by Costco with their employees being so loyal and customers so happy. What is it that makes Costco so successful? Is it their business model or is it something else? Warehouse clubs that sell merchandise at low cost… Read More »

American Core Values (Part 3)

By | January 27, 2015

[January 27, 2015] Core values tell us a lot about people and their culture. Ten American core values were proposed in Parts 1 and 2 previously, but how can we test them against what American’s respect and see as popular? Most people the world over would likely be able to identify what Americans like and do so for… Read More »

American Core Values (Part 2)

By | January 26, 2015

[January 26, 2015] American core values are not something we hear people talk about much these days. We do hear politicians talking about “fairness” and “equality”, yet the meanings do not always align with what most Americans think. Our leaders help set the tone for dialog and we look to them for how to treat others and for… Read More »

American Core Values (Part 1)

By | January 25, 2015

[January 25, 2015] A few days ago, I was invited to have lunch with about a dozen good friends; all retired from the U.S. military. While eating our pastrami sandwiches and drinking cream soda, the inevitable comment came up about how many young people in the U.S. are so different from us. American core values have not had… Read More »

The Cadet Honor Code

By | January 22, 2015

[January 22, 2015] Carved in granite for all to see is the West Point U.S. Military Academy (USMA) cadet honor code. It’s a simple description of those things that make for a better leader and is there for all to see. It states that “A Cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”1 When followed,… Read More »

Core Values: The American Red Cross

By | November 16, 2014

[November 16, 2014] Most of us have never had the fortune to come into contact with people in the American Red Cross. Those who do, are likely to have experienced some critical emergency or disaster in their lives. The American Red Cross was an easy choice to show it as an example of an organization with core values… Read More »