[June 13, 2014] Whenever I see an exceptional example of leadership, I’m willing to point it out. Yesterday I was contacted by a retired, military flag officer who asked me to look at Vet Voice Foundation (VVF). This is a legitimate organization doing good things for our military veterans. The Vet Voice Foundation is both non-profit and non-partisan.
Their mission1 is to help veterans, yes of course. But the VVF also helps those vets by showing them the way to be involved in vital, national issues. For example, VVF is working with our vets on the issue of clean and renewable energy, and its link to national security.
VVF is connecting vets through a 21st Century network by using new technologies and existing social media tools. They are also using traditional methods of organizing by visiting college campuses, having meetings, and telephone contacts. Yes, VVF has a Facebook page and Twitter account, among others.
I wish them well and fully support them in helping vets have richer lives. Also by helping vets add to the national voice of those who want a more secure and stable future for the United States.
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[1] http://www.vetvoicefoundation.org/about/mission-statement