VP Kamala Harris: the Border Czar

By | July 27, 2024

[July 27, 2024]  In the three years VP Kamala Harris was put in charge of the border by President Joe Biden, Harris was called the ‘Border Czar’ and never challenged the title.  Her mandate was to “address the root causes of migration.”

I don’t believe anyone can deny her task was to address immigration.  Nowhere could I find that her task was to solve the problem, reduce the flow of illegals, or shore up economically the countries of origin (so more migrants might not come here).  However, implicit in her mission to “address the root causes …” is to stop illegal immigration.  If you thought that, then you were fooled by our government.

Yet, according to the mainstream media, Harris was NEVER Joe Biden’s “Border Czar.”  The Leftist media’s sidestepping the past and creating a new reality for Harris is appalling.  Their coverup is journalistic malfeasance.

 “[VP Kamala] Harris was widely dubbed the “border czar” after President Biden tasked her in March 2021 to address the root causes of mass migration from Central and South America.  While the Biden administration has rejected the title, the term was widely used by her critics and even embraced by multiple news organizations, at least until she ascended to the top of the ticket.” – Joseph Wulfsohn at Fox News, 25 July 2024

From the vantage point of the average citizen, it looks as if the media is working diligently to erase the fact that Harris was put in charge of the border.  This effort shows the media knows that open borders are a massive vulnerability to Harris, and her lack of action calls into question her competence.  And we would not want to do that!

This firestorm, raising its ugly head at this point, brings Harris’s ability and the media’s honesty into question.  If Harris’ task was to “address the root causes of migration,” then to what purpose?  Were there any findings?  Was there anything at all done?

If we were led to believe her job was to stop illegal immigration, then why was that perception not corrected years ago?  Joe Biden and the media have a lot of explaining to do.  But don’t hold your breath.


NOTE: [October 2, 2022]  Unfortunately, the President of the United States is visibly deteriorating mentally before our very eyes.  I wrote about Joe Biden’s dementia was not that he has the debilitating disease but how long it will take before he can no longer function.  Our problem is that Vice President Kamala Harris has her own problems.  She is not knowledgeable of international affairs and the interworkings of large federal agencies, nor is she capable of producing results.  https://www.theleadermaker.com/kamala-harris-is-she-fit-to-hold-political-office/


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

24 thoughts on “VP Kamala Harris: the Border Czar

  1. Patriot Wife

    Kamala Harris is an embarrassment to all women. Another cackle out of her and I’ll go crazy.

  2. American Girl

    VP Kamala Harris is a failed candidate right out of the box. And she will lose to Donald Trump. But that is not the point that Gen. Satterfield is making and has repeatedly made. Gen. S. likes to see ideas tested in the open where everyone can hear them argued. Debates help. So, let’s have a debate between Donald Trump who represents the conservative right and anyone like Kamala Harris who represents the extreme Leftist ideology that has been growing for a long time now.

    1. Hiratio Algiers

      … but Harris is not officially yet the Democrat nominee. That will not be the case until Democrats formalize her at their convention in Chicago. I hope she gets the votes. The American people will now get a clearer choice and they must vote their choice and not stuff voting boxes like in the last election.

  3. Billy Kenningston

    This coming week is going to be fun. Yesterday I went to my local grocery store to buy popcorn – to eat while I watched the “news” on Kamala – but the store clerk said they sold out a few days ago when a hoard of red hat women came in and bought it all up. And now to think that a bunch of red hats actually were two days ahead of me. Oh, man, I gotta think faster. So I ordered popcorn on Amazon and they promise a fast delivery. I hope the delivery man (and yes it will be a man) doesn’t eat it first.

    1. Jeff Blackwater

      Good one, Billy. Order it with extra butter like Gen. Satterfield.

  4. Pastor John 🙏

    It is sad to see a public figure in the middle of self destructing just because she cannot tell the truth.

  5. New Man Jake

    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis just wrote on X:
    “Kamala Harris was the most liberal U.S. Senator in Congress.
    She wanted to get rid of private insurance, eliminate oil & gas, provide benefits to illegal aliens, and confiscate the guns of law-abiding citizens.
    Then Joe Biden appointed her as “border czar” and we all know how that turned out.
    The Democrats are only excited about Kamala Harris at the moment because they no longer have a candidate who’s catatonic. But she may fall flat on her face before the convention.
    She’s a lousy candidate and would be an even worse president.”

    1. Wellington McBeth👀

      Jake, good to see you back here, man. Yes indeed, trying to hide Border Czar Harris is going to be difficult. Er, impossible. Like Gen. Satterfield wrote below, their next step to stomp out the truth will be to call us names. But my mom told me that names will never harm me and that remains true.

  6. Bobby Joe

    VP Kamala Harris: Border Czar …. gotta just love this website.

  7. Idiot Savant

    Spot-on article this morning, Gen. Satterfield. Keep the focus on Kamala Harris because she is unfit to be in ANY political position.

  8. Unwoke Dude

    More evidence that Kamala Harris was appointed the BORDER CZAR by Pres BIden. Note that libs love big titles and so they love CZAR for anything. But the fact that she did NOTHING says it all.

    The media is claiming that Kamala Harris was NEVER Biden's border czar. Unfortunately for the regime, we have 𝕏.Here's the moment she got the title: pic.twitter.com/n78ovTOLA4— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) July 24, 2024

    1. Douglas R. Satterfield Post author

      Unwoke Dude, with social media today, once someone says something publically or posts on X or any media platform, the fact it occurs can never go away. Those trying to erase the fact that Kamala Harris was our Border Czar will not go away. I predict the next step will be that we will be labeled as sexists and racists for pointing out this fact. Implicit here is that she failed at her job as Border Czar to prevent illegal immigration. However, maybe her Border Czar job was not to stop illegal immigration but to increase it. We just cannot admit that is the case.

      1. Pink Cloud

        Nothing like a little humility being forced upon you. But I think that Gen. Satterfield is correct. Kamala was given the title Border Czar to give the appearance that the Biden White House was doing something important to deal with the illegal immigration problem, while, at the same time, their focus was on increasing illegal immigration because we all know that illegals vote Democrat.

  9. Salvation Army Woke

    NAILED IT … Gen. Satterfield, thank you! The truth comes out, no matter the Soviet tactics of the Biden-Harris-FBI-media complex.

  10. Willie Strumburger

    “Biden tasks Harris with tackling migrant influx on US-Mexico border” https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56516332 published 24 March 2021
    US President Joe Biden has put Vice-President Kamala Harris in charge of controlling migration at the southern border following a big influx of new arrivals.Mr Biden said he was giving her a “tough job” but that she was “the most qualified person to do it”.
    CIA here, British BBC you MUST take this article down because it makes our presidential candidate look incompetent.

    1. Vanguard

      Another strike to the dead heart of the news media:

      The media actually thinks they can just memory hole that Kamala Harris was in fact named the Border Czar. They might be able to disappear a President, but they can’t disappear this. Well done to @newsbusters on this fact check of the fact-checkers. pic.twitter.com/zPLfNge9Bi— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) July 25, 2024

  11. Willy the Banger

    Kamala Harris: the Border Czar
    Kamala Harris: the Border Czar
    Kamala Harris: the Border Czar
    ….. can’t say it enough or often enough. Kamala Harris was our Border Czar, she was shamed for never going to the border, and everyone asked her what she was doing to “stem the tide of illegals” and now all of a sudden, presto-change-o, she was NEVER the Border Czar, and what the heck are we talking about it for. Oh, yeah, move along, nothing to see here.

    1. Mother Picasso

      🤦‍♀️Eck, you actually wrote that Kamala Harris is the Border Czar!!! Be aware that the FBI and DOJ now have you in their sights Willy the Banger.👀

      1. Yusaf from Texas


        1. The Toad

          You just can’t make this stuff up. Kamala Harris the Border Czar fails again.

    2. Karl J.

      If we say it enough, Kamala Harris will still never be anyone who gets things done. She is a walking parody.


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