We Stand Alone Together

By | March 5, 2022

[March 5, 2022]  There are times when doing the right thing – doing what is moral and honorable – is unpopular.  I found myself and those I served with on the end of such unpopular opinions while deployed in the Iraq War.1  Politicians, Hollywood actors, journalists, and other uninformed folks, regularly dismissed our efforts as foolhardy and evil.  It was as if we had to stand alone in the fight.

Distanced from the “elites” of American society, we found ourselves fighting a war in an unpopular environment with significant segments of our citizens actively working against us.  There were calls for stopping all funds going to pay our troops, cutting off voting rights, and criminal prosecution of those in the warzone.  Crazy stuff but true.

“Was I a hero?  No, but I served in a company of heroes.” – Dick Winters in a Band of Brothers2

In the documentary “We Stand Alone Together,” Dick Winters talks of ‘standing alone together’ with his soldiers during WWII.  There are few similarities between his war and ours, but I found his comments intriguing.  Sometimes in war, it seems like you are alone except for your buddies standing right with you.  Everything else is far away and less necessary.  The immediate is what matters.

Standing alone together is an old idea, sometimes written about by the Romans in their wars in the ancient territory of modern-day Britain.  Far from their central government in Rome, the Roman Soldiers and political elites were stretched by their conquests and often fought brutal battles keeping the many waring British tribes in check.  The Romans were fighting together but alone (with only rare contact with Rome).

The Romans practiced a highly decentralized form of governing colonies they conquered.  This put their many garrisons (highly armed and strong) at the mercy of opposing forces that wanted no part of the Empire.

There is a newly developed abhorrence of traditional warfare in the modern world where one country invades another.  Any such action will bring swift condemnation.  See the new, ongoing conflict between Russia and the Ukraine.  While Russia has little to deter it, few believe anything can be done.  The West is no longer serious about opposing war even when it’s in their own backyard.


  1. Veterans of the Vietnam War, of course, had it much worse and that is a lesson our current troops understand. America’s shameful past of how we treated our Vietnam War vets continues to resonate today.  We will never forget that shame brought upon us by our “elites” who believe they know better and are, they believe, morally superior to the rest of us.
  2. From the documentary of the same name, “We Stand Alone Together” (2001). Interviews with the WWII veterans of the now-famous Easy Co of the 506th Infantry, 101st Airborne.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6j_nop4wh0


Please read my new book, “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” at Amazon (link here).

Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

30 thoughts on “We Stand Alone Together

  1. JT Patterson

    “There is a newly developed abhorrence of traditional warfare in the modern world where one country invades another. Any such action will bring swift condemnation. See the new, ongoing conflict between Russia and the Ukraine. While Russia has little to deter it, few believe anything can be done. The West is no longer serious about opposing war even when it’s in their own backyard.” — Gen Satterfield’s wisdom.

  2. Oakie from OK

    Another spot-on article from Gen. Satterfield. Well written. Thanks.

  3. Anya B.

    The study of heroes – and their stories – should be told over and over. We must understand heroes and what they give us. Yes, those heroes often stand alone (with their buddies) thru the thick of it and the danger, destruction, and degradation. That is why they are heroes.

  4. Laughing Monkey

    This senior leadership website has been a godsend to me and my friends. We had been looking for a website that has this kind of content for a long time. For just a few minutes a day you can pick up a tidbit of leader info that will last you a lifetime. Thanks, Gen. Satterfield for what you do and for your daily articles. 😊

    1. Yusaf from Texas

      This is why me and so many others are fans for a long time.

      1. Kramer

        Me as well, LM. I find this site one of several that are my “go to” place for learning about leadership and getting some entertainment along the way. 🇺🇸

  5. Bryan Z. Lee

    I’m sure we all get tired of our political “elites” telling us what to do or not do. What I like about this leadership website is that it is not about what to think and do, but how to think and do. That is not a trivial difference and should be celebrated. Humans are social creatures and are thus susceptible to propaganda and to being told what to think. Leadership, thus, is the way out of such a quagmire.

    1. Nick Lighthouse

      That is the measure of a man who knows what he is doing and what he thinks. That person will go far.

      1. Willie Strumburger

        Yes he will. But it will not be an easy or pleasant journey. But it will be satisfying that you know what you are doing is for the good of all.

  6. Eye Cat

    Another excellent article by gen. Satterfield. I missed you. Welcome back from your time away. I hope your health improves.

  7. Georgie B.

    Be an American Patriot just like Gen. Satterfield. But also acknowledge the defects of any hierarchy and be willing to work to fix the problems.

      1. Dale Paul Fox

        …the true patriotism, the only rational patriotism, is loyalty to the Nation ALL the time, loyalty to the Government when it deserves it.
        – “The Czar’s Soliloquy”

        1. Reel Him In

          Go Canada, land of the mostly free until Fidel Castro’s illegitimate son Trudeau takes over. 👍

  8. MrJohn22

    The parallels to the Ukraine War is interesting and deserves to be explored more. Anyone with suggestions?

  9. Max Foster

    Good info on Vietnam war vets. They were, obviously, treated poorly and I know that Gen. Satterfield has written about this shameful treatment many times over the years on his blog. However, it remains important I believe that we continue to remind everyone of those who supported the mistreatment of our vets and call them out on it at every single opportunity.

    1. Doug Smith

      Good comment Max, once again. Jane Fonda, John Kerry, and ilk like them need to be reminded every day of their lives that America will never forget their traitorous behavior and will also never forgive them. They must be treated like Benedict Arnold, never to be allowed on American soil ever again.

      1. lydia truman

        Good idea. Unless we are serious about getting rid of traitors, there will always be traitors in our mist doing great harm. If they want the benefits of our society, then they must pay the costs.

  10. Tom Bushmaster

    I see that Gen. Satterfield has injected a bit of his of the Roman Empire into today’s article. I wish my history professor in college was able to do these things. He just wanted me to memorize stuff.

    1. Ursala J. Simpson

      That is why academic history has failed us all.

  11. Rusty D

    Yeah, it is not uncommon to stand alone when doing the right thing. Often the right things is seen as bad or evil (as you suggest, Gen. Satterfield). Good leadership can overcome it but only with a proper focus and clearly explaining why you do what you do.

    1. Greg Heyman

      Agree, but our society is becoming more complex and to live in it requires a proper understanding. Many can never understand it so we leave it up to our education system to teach it. That is a HUGE failure. We need another solution.

      1. Dead Pool Guy

        Yes, that means greater intelligence. However, we are not getting more ‘intelligent.’ That does not bode well for us.

        1. Harry Donner

          Right, what to do is the question. We are not addressing it. 👀


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