What Child Predators Fear Most

By | August 11, 2023

[August 11, 2023] Convicted child predator Jack Reynolds, who spent more than 12 years in prison for molesting children in the 1980s, agreed to share his techniques as a predator (link to article and video here).  They asked him what sort of characteristics he looked for in a child before targeting them.  He said more important than the child’s characteristics; he looked at the characteristics of the family.

First, he mentioned that if he perceived the father as a threat, he stayed away.  This tells us a few things about dads.  One, you had better be a threat.  Two, you had better be present enough in your child’s life where predators know you are a threat.

And I would say it tells us one more thing that’s very interesting.  There are a lot of people right now that seem hell-bent on having sexual conversations with our children without our knowledge.  Those are the same people telling us that the things that make you a threat are manifestations of toxic masculinity.

So, maybe we shouldn’t listen to those people.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

29 thoughts on “What Child Predators Fear Most

    1. McStompie

      Exactly why I read Gen. Satterfield’s personal blog every day. I even read old articles earlier this year when he was in the hospital for surgery.

      1. Grover in the Grove

        Thansk McStoompie for helping make our point that this is the very best leadership blog out there. And, I will again recommend Gen. S’s two books. If you don’t have a copy of each, then you are sacrificing yourself for being too cheap. Plus, the books don’t cost much anyway.
        Please read my books:
        “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon
        “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon

  1. Greg NH

    This is an excellent post and gets us back to the OPPOSITE of WOKE America that says ALL families are equal. No they are NOT equal, in fact that is the furtherest from the truth and the libtards are triggered by reality, once again. A two parent family is best, period.

  2. Ron C.

    School districts administrators need to pay close attention to what Gen. Satterfield wrote today. This is a kick in the ass for those who think telling kids to report bullying/predators/etc. is going to work. It won’t work. Train kids to be strong. Tell them that the best way to overcome a bully is to kick their ass and that means being strong and having good friends who will help you. If you sit in the corner, you will be picked on. Make sure your parents – both parents – are involved at your school and everybody knows your dad is a kick-ass MAN.

  3. Julia

    Gen. Satterfield, well written and thanks. This says a lot about have an intact family with a mother and a father and they are focused on raising their family properly. Too bad that women are lied to by society and that is why they initiate divorce 80-90 percent of the time.
    The 3 Lies Told to Young Women
    1. There is nothing more important than your career.
    2. There will be nothing more important in your life than your career.
    3. There should be nothing more important in your life than your career.

    1. False Idols

      if you go to ANY public school in America and ask if they say good things about the great value of the nuclear family, you will be escorted out of the building and reported to the police for a thought crime. The schools only emphasize what I call broken families. THey encourage and highlight divorce, MAPs, child abuse, and sexual depravity. Just look at how the state of New Jersey does it.

      1. Bill Sanders, Jr.

        Yep and sad. Their mantra is ALL families are equal. Well, reality says otherwise.

    1. Yusaf from Texas

      Yeah, loved it because it says what it takes to stop child predators. Why don’t we know this?

      1. Mr. T.J. Asper

        Hi Yusaf, always good to hear from you. Let us not jump the gun here. School administrators will strongly disagree with Gen. Satterfield’s conclusion about child predators, despite evidence that contradicts their current stance. Primary and Secondary schools base their teaching and discipline policies on a very leftist view of the world that they say is based on “compassion.” But their form of compassion is confused with the idea of the rejection of responsibility. No one is any longer responsible for their actions and get zero consequences for doing things badly to children. That is what is so sad here. Go to your local school board meetings, what is happening there is a sin. I’m a High School teacher and I see this every day.

  4. Eric Coda

    “He said more important than the child’s characteristics; he looked at the characteristics of the family. First, he mentioned that if he perceived the father as a threat, he stayed away.” There you go. The answer to the predator problem. And yet, we see ‘fathers’ as superfluous and an outdated concept.

  5. Linux Man

    Great and short article. I’ll send this to my school district but I don’t expect much from them.

  6. Greek Senator

    CLASSIC!!!! Child predators look to avoid strong kids who have strong families and strong dads. No surprise to me. That makes sense. But our schools don’t think that way and their leftist ideology ENCOURAGES sexual predators. “Minor Attracted Persons” MAP are okay with them. Short version, these MAPs are sexual predators and should be eliminated. Immediately.

      1. Jeremy M. Jones

        Nancy, YES! You are very welcome here and you will find that this forum is great for throwing ideas around (no matter how crazy). You are going to get feedback, some of it is going to be tough and that is good for us to be tough. Those ideas that survive are the ones we can hold onto without fear of some ignorant crazy Democrat politician saying things that are wrong. We have the intellectual ammo to stop them in their tracks. We also answer quesitons.

  7. Doug Smith

    Wow. And all the anti predator protections school employ focus purely on ‘reporting’ the suspicious offender. Not the family or dad.

    1. Kerry

      Doug, just like their anti-bullying program (which is a tragic failure) due to faulty assumptions, they have failed to stem the tide of bullying. In fact they define “bullying” as any one saying anything you don’t like. Crazy! They are encouraging kids to be weak.

    2. American Girl

      Schools are a failed system in every aspect. They have been taken over by radical leftwing unions and treat kids as a pure money commodity. Kids, they don’t care about them, even when they say they do. Teachers are not the teachers of 30 40 50 years ago, today’s teachers are political leftwing activists. So sad. The best way to stop them is to expose their degrerative behavior is to expose them to the public and sue the school districts for allowing these radicals to teach.

      1. Fred Weber

        American Girl, I’m sure you will agree that things started going downhill when they took religion and patriotism out of the classroom. 😊

        1. JT Patterson

          I agree and this is one of the very best leadership websites on the Internet thanks to Gen. Satterfield.


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