What I Learned from Interviewing 1,000 Women

By | September 22, 2024

[September 22, 2024]  There’s an old adage for men that says if they want to learn about relationships with women, then don’t take advice from women.  With that in mind, today, I’m going to highlight some of the ideas of Pearl Davis (see her ideas, too in earlier posts).  She recently interviewed 1,000 women over a year and told us that she was surprised by the results.

So, what did she learn from these interviews?   Before we get started, note that Pearl believes these women were totally honest but that their words also did not align with their behaviors.  “They lie to themselves about their relationships,” and that is why we have a hard time figuring out what women really want in life.  A short video of her speaking on this and her methodology can be found at this link here.

  1. Women love a man that cheats, or that can cheat [in their relationship with women]. Pearl says that she didn’t believe this was true, but during the interviews, she attempts to drill down into the specifics.  For example, she starts by asking if they’ve ever been cheated on.  About 70% of the women admit to being cheated on.  Her follow-up question was, “Did you leave, or did you stay when you found out?”  Pearl says that 80% of those women stayed in the relationship.  She also discovered that if the women left the cheating man, they left him when those men stopped cheating.  She actually did a show titled Women Like Being Cheated On.
  2. People lie to themselves to the point that they believe it’s true. Pearl talks about women in the interview who were single mothers who truly believed they were traditional women.  She asks, “How can you be a traditional woman and a single mother?  Those don’t really go hand in hand.”  She believes that women often virtue signal but you have to watch what they do.
  3. Out of a thousand women, three of them would be “traditional women.” Pearl claims that Conservatives believe that to find a traditional woman, go to church and find a good woman there.  But when she interviewed these women, they were of all religions, and that didn’t seem to make a difference.  Pearl admits to us that she is not a traditional woman but that she can observe what makes someone traditional and that a traditional woman is someone who prioritizes their family over their career above all costs.
  4. Very few women can process information without taking it personally. She uses an interesting example.  She once tweeted that 25-year-old women are better looking than 35-year-old women.  She got a lot of pushback.  Married mothers were tweeting her their selfies, trying to prove to Pearl (some random woman on the Internet) that they were still “hot.”
  5. Most women have an ex that they go back to in between breakups. Pearl is warning us guys on this one.
  6. Women who are saying that they have changed or become something, it’s more that they are trying to convince themselves. Pearl would hear from these women that they “become more feminine.”  She found that women who were femininity coaches tended not to be feminine at all.  “I would find they would be the most masculine ones.”
  7. Overwhelmingly, women who divorced their husbands gave the excuse that they ‘outgrew’ him. That was the number one reason.  When Pearl dug into the reasons, asking about whether their wives were abused, there was nothing there to trigger a divorce.
  8. Most women value their own happiness above their children. And this is an extension of #7 that these women have no good reasons, generally, to divorce their husbands.
  9. As soon as women began getting jobs, they started divorcing their husbands. She asks do you want someone to be with you who doesn’t want to be there?  Some of these wives are so miserable that they nag on their husbands endlessly.
  10. Marriage and family is not the answer. Pearl originally thought that marriage was the solution to a lot of people’s problems – traditionalism.  She discovered that marriage for men today is overwhelmingly a negative experience.  For example, over 80% of their wives gained 20 pounds or more in the first five years of marriage.  The average length of marriage is eight years.  Men don’t really get a lot out of the marriage, and in divorce, they often lose everything, but it is the wives who are leaving their husbands.

Pearl also makes some observations of men that you can find in the video, but I’ve not included.  She discovered that men don’t notice that women are chubby if they have big boobs.  Well, I’m not so sure about that, but I’ll go with Pearl’s conclusions.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

11 thoughts on “What I Learned from Interviewing 1,000 Women

  1. Frida Eriksson

    Im not gonna get into the things I agree on here. Pearl has great points as always

    Where she has an syntax error herself is with the thing about women forgiving cheating but then later leaving. Its not a strange thing to have the initial intent to forgive a cheating, for multiple reasons. You have a past together, a home, children, love etc. However as time goes by you might find it impossible to actually get over the betray, if I you would want to. Hence that the cheated wife later rather than sooner

    Of course a single mother can be a traditional woman! At heart, in her values. Thats the main problem with Pearl, she dont give any women some slack

  2. Valkerie

    Great info. Matches up well with a lot of studies on the difference of men and women. And as if we needed a realtime example, just look at Kamala Harris when she talks. “Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy” that’s her plan to be a good president. Well, yeah, that dog won’t hunt.

    1. American Girl

      Valkerie, you forgot “I was raised in a middle class family.” How to you solve the border crisis (that she created)? “I’m from a middle class family.” Oh that works. Is there anything at all in her brain? i guess being around braindead Joe Biden has had an impact on her cognitive ability too. If she is elected, the USA will not be run by her because that would be impossible, as it would be the Obama-era apparatchik.

  3. North of Austin

    Thanks for the summary, Gen. Satterfield. Pearl sure has a mind of her own.

  4. Otto Z. Zuckermann

    Many will HATE Pearl because she hits on the truth and that truth is that women – well, the vast majority of women – cannot make decisions without their compassion feelings coming into play. Even dr. Jordan Peterson, who is much more realistic about women, says something very similar. Women are designed to care for infants. it is hard to take that role and scale it up to a community level. That is why women don’t do well in leadership positions because they are too agreeable. They are subject to having their feelings manipulated. Just look at ole Joe Biden and how he does it – well he did do it before his brain became totally fried.

  5. Emma Archambeau

    Pearl Davis, smart lady. I’m happy that she devotes her time to helping getting the word out that women are a problem ever since they got the right to vote.

    1. Liz at Home

      Some will be ‘offended’ by that comment but let us put it into perspective. Most men should also not have the right to vote. In the past, you had to be a citizen with a good reputation, own property, hold a position of status in your community, and be a religious man. Otherwise, you were someone who had no “heart in the game” and therefore your vote was seen more as self-aggrandizement than for the betterment of the country. I agree, women’s right to vote should be revoked and men under 25 who don’t own property should also have their right to vote removed.

      1. Peigin

        Liz, exactly right. Remove the emotional voters and the US will become great again. This is why K. Harris is saying she will be giving handouts to the low information voters. Chicken in every pot. An old bribe that we’ve all seen before.


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