Why Schools Can’t Keep Teachers

By | August 20, 2022

[August 20, 2022] There is a significant teacher shortage in America.  The shortage is real, large, growing, and worse than we thought.  And, it has nothing to do with pay.  Young teachers are abandoning the classroom because their traditional role of educating kids is no longer a priority in the public school system.

Those following the slow-rolling tragedy of our schools know this to be self-evident by the failure of students to live fulfilling lives and survive in a competitive world.  Schools no longer prioritize learning skills they get from the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic.

The common reasons given for teachers leaving the school system and the increasing difficulty of finding new teachers are: 1) the teacher evaluation system is broken, 2) failure to reward highly successful teachers, 3) turning a blind eye to poor teaching, 4) classroom overcrowding and sick infrastructure, 5) evolving and sometimes unethical teaching standards, 6) teacher union abuse of power, 7) and lack of discipline.

These are factors but not what is the real cause.

Many young teachers didn’t get into the profession to be nurses or therapists.  In the paraphrased words of one (now former) state superintendent, public schools primarily focus on feeding kids, assessing their well-being, and providing mental health counseling.  Education is a distant fourth.

In other words, public schools are now hubs for social services distribution.  In an opinion piece from the Columbus Dispatch in Ohio, one expert even argues that medical training should be provided to teachers as professional development courses.

For most teachers, that’s not what they signed up for, so they’re leaving.


Please read my new book, “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).

Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

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16 thoughts on “Why Schools Can’t Keep Teachers

  1. Kenny Foster

    There are always excuses for failure. Schools are blaming their on-going failures on this laundry list that Gen. Satterfield provided. But it is the teachers and administrators themselves are the reason they are failing our kids.

  2. Mr. T.J. Asper

    Strange how the lockdowns impacted schools and the teachers unions gained so much power. And, of course, the unions don’t give a darn about the kids.

    1. Dead Pool Guy

      Mr. Asper, if I’m not mistaken, you teach High School. How’s it going there? Are you required to teach this new SEXED crapola to the students? What’s up with so many adults caving to immoral teaching?

      1. Mr. T.J. Asper

        DPG, tough questions. I’ll start by saying that I don’t teach it. But many of my colleagues do. They believe they are protecting the most vulnerable. When I point out that they are only making the “most vulnerable” weaker and less capable to taking care of themselves, they run away. They say I’m just not with it, that I’m old fashioned. And that they are showing their moral virtue by helping the “downtrodden.” But this so called downtrodden are being protected to their long-term regret. Short term work, can impact your long term well being.

        1. Dennis Mathes

          Indoctrinating children – This is a big one and a touchy subject. Schools should only be teaching kids how to think, not what to think. Why can’t the government just let the kids learn? Instead of shoving their agendas down their throats. Most boys like G.I. Joes and most girls like Barbie’s. There is nothing wrong with that! Let them be.

          1. Watson Bell

            There are so many so-called “social justice” issues being thrown at little children that are doing more harm than good.

        2. Emma Archambeau

          Schools could be awesome… but they are not. They are getting more evil and dragging our kids down with them.

          1. Liz at Home

            It’s time to retake our schools and kick out the Social Justice Warrior types that are destroying future generations. Fire them, and permanently bar them from ever teaching a student again.

  3. Jonnie the Bart

    While schools have challenges like all orgs, they get a sh$$ load of money and don’t have to show a profit. And, the still fail us.

  4. Greg Heyman

    The corruption in schools today is staggering. They’re adherence to the latest progressive/liberal trends shows they have no basis in morality at all. Not one whit. Go to school board meetings and tell them you are mad about their teaching kids stuff they should not be teaching. Tell them to stick to the basics.

    1. Otto Z. Zuckermann

      Right, Greg, or nothing will be done. Expose them to the sunlight.

  5. Pooch T.

    Introducing sex ed in 1st grade and encouraging young kids to be “gender fluid” might also have something to do with it.

    1. Andrew Dooley

      Teachers have become perverts. What’s up with that? Don’t they have any integrity and brains at all? What can we do to make sure out teachers actually want to teach? It looks like some are figuring this out and getting the heck out of teaching. Good for them.

      1. Northeast

        Don’t be too surprised Andrew. This perversion of teachers has been going on a long time now. They are recycling their old Marxism, that’s all they know. The good folks took their eye off the ball. Now teacher groups are fully corrupted as well as the schools.


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