Without Free Speech, there is …

By | February 18, 2025

[February 18, 2025]  This past Sunday, VP Vance warned Europeans against the dark cloud of censorship, and Leftists across the globe panicked. He warned European leaders that by abandoning free speech and allowing unchecked illegal immigration they would destroy themselves. Without free speech, there is no true thought.

“If you’re running in fear of your own voters, there is nothing America can do for you. Nor, for that matter, is there anything that you can do for the American people who elected me and elected President Trump.  You need democratic mandates to accomplish anything of value.” — Vice President JD Vance, February 16, 2025, at the Munich Security Conference 

Those criticizing Vance seem to believe that free speech is inherently destructive, and this led to some desperate yet failed attempts to counter him. CBS anchor Margaret Brennan talking to SecState Rubio, for example, blamed free speech for the Nazi Holocaust.

“He [JD Vance] was standing in a country [Germany] where free speech was weaponized to conduct a genocide, and he met with the head of a political party that has far-right views.” — CBS host Margaret Brennen, interview with Secretary of State Marco Rubio, February 15, 2025

Of course, anyone knows that Brennen was wrong, and Rubio set her straight.

“Free speech was not used to conduct a genocide.  The genocide was conducted by an authoritarian Nazi regime that happened to also be genocidal because they hated Jews and they hated minorities … There was no free speech in Nazi Germany. There was none. There was also no opposition in Nazi Germany. They were the sole and only party that governed that country. So that’s not an accurate reflection of history.” — SecState Rubio being interviewed by Brennen

Miranda Devine, in an op-ed, got it right. “Vance was warning our European friends about the dark cloud of censorship that is descending on their continent…”. The greatest threat to Europe is not Putin but their threat from within.

Vance went on to provide a long list of pro-censorship examples from Europe. He told us that EU Commission “commissars” plan to shut down social media during times of unrest and conduct police raids on people suspected of spreading “misogyny” on the internet. He said that EU Commissioner Thierry Breton’s threat to cancel election results that don’t accord with elite priorities, is unacceptable.

VP Vance has hit upon something of serious importance; we think with speech.  Free speech is identical to freedom of thought.  And free speech is not just another freedom or right among many.  It is the antidote to ignorance and corruption.  If thought is not free, it’s not thought.

“A world without freedom of speech is a world of slavery and tyranny.” – Dr. Jordan Peterson

For context of Rubio’s interview with Brenna, here is the video:


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

22 thoughts on “Without Free Speech, there is …

  1. Paulette Johnson

    If there is one thing that I can appreciate when Donald Trump “lost” the election in 2020, was that he spent the next four years figuring out what needed to be done, within the confines of the US Constitution, to overcome the Deep State that has been ripping Americans off while sending billions of dollars to overseas entities that are not in the best interests of America. While I fault the Democrats the most, Republicans are also part of the problem.

  2. Bryan Z. Lee

    If anyone here has not listened to the entire speech by VP Vance, then you are missing alot of context and performance. Do it now. That said, it is also a good idea to listen to conservative voices about what they think and then to liberal voices (always good to know what they say). Why? Because we’ve had a dumbing down of the American citizenry for a long long time. Just like Congress being lazy and doling out authority to unnamed agencies with little or no accountability. Congress needs to step up and do its job. And it we don’t have free speech, none of this will be possible.

    1. Plato

      Yeah, free speech is hard because people will tell you where you’re screwed up and that hurts.

  3. Liz at Home

    Gen. Satterfield, more please on free speech from a psychological standpoint.

  4. Stallion

    CBS Margaret Brennen didn’t say this on her own because her bosses and senior insiders certainly feed her this comment in order to paint Secretary of State Marco Rubio into a corner. Purposefully doing this, they unwittingly backed themselves into a corner and were trapped. Rubio pointing out the falsehoods was marvelous and spot-on. Thank goodness for Rubio’s smarts and his gentlemanly demeanor. This is why he will continue winning for America.

  5. mainer

    Those who would desire to control the thoughts of others is 👿 evil. They want everyone to think like them. This is sad and exposes the dark heart of Progressive Leftism in its neo-Marxist form.

  6. RustyD

    Gen. Satterfield has written often and well about the importance of free speech. Sadly, as we now know, there are evil forces across the world and in America that push to eliminate free sppech. Thank you, Gen. Satterfield for continuing to stand uncompromisingly for our God-given right of free speech. That is what America is founded upon.

  7. Tracey S.

    This CBS anchor Margaret Brennen character says what all Leftists think. They believe the U.S. Constitution First Amendment gets in the way of their dreams of a “good” state where everyone loves everyone. That’s not going to happen and reality will slap them in the face hard as they pray (non-religiously, of course) for such a utopia. That is always the big problem with these dictator wannabes. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

    1. Adolf

      Indeed. But Rubio whacks her upside her head intellectually ——-
      “Free speech was not used to conduct a genocide. The genocide was conducted by an authoritarian Nazi regime that happened to also be genocidal because they hated Jews and they hated minorities … There was no free speech in Nazi Germany. There was none. There was also no opposition in Nazi Germany. They were the sole and only party that governed that country. So that’s not an accurate reflection of history.” — SecState Rubio being interviewed by Brennen

  8. Yusaf from Texas

    VP Van e’s speech was exactly what the censorship-centric Europeans need to hear and they need to hear it loud and clear. They are going down a dark path exactly like they did in the early 20th century.

    1. Unwoke Dude

      Tusaf, yep and a side note, we sure appreciate Vance telling the mini-winnies of Europe.


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